[Accepted] Application for Admission to the Bar: Gorundu


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TNP Nation
Application for Admission to the Bar

Applicant name: Gorundu

Part One: Experience as a Justice or counsel

1. Have you served as a Justice (including as a Temporary Hearing Officer)? No (if No, move to question 5)

2. Between what dates did you serve as a Justice (including as a Temporary Hearing Officer)?

3. Were you the Moderating Justice in any criminal trials or requests for review? (If so, please identify which criminal trials or requests for review)

4. Were you the author or a co-author of any Official Opinions, Verdicts or Sentencing Orders of the Court? (If so, please identify the Official Opinions, Verdicts or Sentencing Orders)

5. Have you served as a Prosecutor? Yes (if No, move to question 8)

6. Which criminal trials did you prosecute? TNP v New Francois

7. Did you participate in any requests for review related to those trials? (If so, please identify the requests for review) No

8. Have you served as counsel to a defendant in a criminal trial? No (if No, move to question 11)

9. In which criminal trials were you counsel to a defendant?

10. Did you participate in any requests for review related to those trials? (If so, please identify the requests for review)

Part Two: Legal Writing

11. Have you authored any substantial legal work? (Examples include: briefs in requests for review; analysis or explanations of the law; arguments in criminal trials; bills that have been made law. However, it does not include any Official Opinion, Verdict or Sentencing Order of the Court or any decision or argument made in a trial or request for review identified in Part One) Yes (if No, move to question 14)

12. Have you authored any briefs in requests for review? (If so, please identify the requests for review) Yes, one.

13. Have you authored any other substantial legal work? (If so, identify no more than two) Yes, several bills that have become law, including the Instant Runoff Election Bill and the final version of the Lessening Repeating Work Bill

Part Three: Other Relevant Experience

14. Have you served in a Constitutionally-mandated Elected Office? (This does not include the office of Justice) Yes (if No, move to question 17)

15. Which offices have you served in and between what dates? Speaker, Sep 12 - Dec 9, 2019

16. Were you required to make a decision which required you to analyse and apply the law? (If so, please identify no more than two examples of this and explain why they show substantial knowledge of the law) As part of my job I was expected to have full understanding of all the laws and rules regulating citizenship and the Regional Assembly and apply them appropriately in the course of my job, which in the case of citizenships is a near-daily occurence. This also includes special circumstances such as Z-Day where citizenship laws are applied differently. However, as precedents on these areas of law are fairly settled due to the various court cases and changes to the law that have come before, there were no specific scenarios I could recall where I had to make my own analysis of the law and apply them based on my interpretation.

17. Have you served as a government official in any other office in the previous two years? (This does not include any office identified in Part One) Yes (if No, move to question 20)

18. Which offices have you served in and between what dates? Election Commissioner, Sep 30, 2021 - Mar 30, 2022; Apr 15, 2022 - Present

19. Were you required to make a decision which required you to analyse and apply the law? (If so, please identify an example of this and explain why it shows substantial knowledge of the law) As an Election Commissioner, and especially as Election Supervisor during several elections and as Chief Election Commissioner since June 2022, I am expected to have a full understanding of election-related laws, including Rules of the Election Commission, and apply these laws during elections. However, as these laws are rather prescriptive, there has been no instance I recall where I had to make my own analysis of the law and apply them based on my interpretation. One instance which could arguably qualify was making the decision, with the approval of the rest of the Election Commission, to extend the voting period of the recent November 2022 Judicial Election due to a prolonged forum disruption, based on Section 8.3 of the Legal Code which authorizes reasonable actions in the event of a forum access emergency. However, as this decision was made based on the informal precedent set by Sil Dorsett and the rest of the Commission during the May 2022 Special Justice Election, it may not be sufficient to demonstrate substantial knowledge of the law.

Part Four: Acceptability Disclosure

20. Have you previously been convicted of any crime in The North Pacific? No (if No, move to question 22)

21. What crime/crimes were you convicted of? (Please identify the date of each conviction)

22. Have you previously been recalled from office as Justice or Prosecutor? No (if No, move to question 24)

23. On what date/dates were you recalled from office?

24. Have you previously been found by the Court to be in contempt of court or to have submitted an appeal or review that was frivolous or solely for the purpose of delaying proceedings? No (if No, move to question 26)

25. In which trials or requests for review did the Court make those findings?

26. Have you previously had your membership of the Bar revoked for any reason other than ceasing to be a citizen? No (if No, move to question 28)

27. On what date/dates was your membership revoked?

28. If you answered Yes to any of questions 20, 22, 24, or 26, why do you consider that you would be an acceptable member of the bar, despite any prior conviction, recall, adverse finding by the Court, or revocation of Bar membership?

Part Six: Request for Admission and Declaration

I apply to the Bar Commissioners for admission to the Bar.

I declare that the information I have provided in this application is true and that I have not failed to provide any information required by this application.
The Bar Commission have reviewed the application, and we have decided to accept Gorundu's application to the Bar.

Gorundu has applied to the Bar in this thread

@Zyvetskistaahn @Lord Dominator thoughts?

Oh, oops

In any case, I think he looks pretty good there to be admitted

Gorundu has experience as Prosecutor, I think the submissions made in TNP v New Francois on the plea issue and on sentencing were reasonable ones and the Court obviously agreed with the sentencing submissions for the most part. The submissions in the brief were also robust and, notably, the Court agreed with the submissions about partially overruling on the Constitutionality of the Reject Fascism Act. I think the experience as Speaker and Election Commissioner is demonstrative of application of the laws in relation to citizenship and elections in particular.

I would support admission.

Given some time has now passed without further comment, I move for a vote. The vote will last for three days, at most.


Three days have passed since the calling of a vote, and only 2 of the 3 Bar Commissioners casted their vote.
According to the Bar Commission's Rules:

Majority has been achieved with a majority of the Bar Commissioners voting Aye, and one Abstaining indirectly.
According to Section Two of the Bar Commission's Rules:

Thus, Gorundu will be accepted as member of the Bar of the North Pacific.
The decision will be posted shortly, alongside a transcript of the discussion.