Hongwon City
Capital of southern Aria
11th year of the reign of Chenghua Emperor
Capital of southern Aria
11th year of the reign of Chenghua Emperor
I Race down the packed highway, lane splitting to avoid the congestion, around me cars and rickshaws pack the smog-filled lanes. The M’beki 2000’s* hybrid engine roars with power as I leave the miserable commoners behind, their own passage blocked by choked roads and endless rows of stranded commuters.
I can't help but feel that this reflects the wider malaise of our land, Aria is trapped by its own tradition, and while we languish and stagnate the barbarians speed past unfettered by bonds of piety or culture. I leave the motorway, the city of Hongwon* glitters below me, neon-lit districts co-existing in uneasy proximity to ancestral shrines and austere temples.
Smog soon gives way to the rarefied airs of the noble district, the perfumed scent of orchids and cherry blossoms quickly dispelling the stench of the highway. It is a place most can only dream of, here my father's court exists insulated from the hardscrabble misery of the common folk below.
For generations, my family has ruled these lands in the name of the emperor, the house of Meng-Tao standing as a beacon of culture and refinement. Now though we are like the rest, a ship overburdened by past glories and sorely lacking in present direction. The emperor has sought to rectify this, to reform our stagnant empire but it is a battle fought against an enemy as implacable as any foreign invader, our own culture.
Aria is a land of tradition, we are a pious nation, loyal to our fathers and ancestors, it is in this way we have kept heaven's mandate and it is in this way we might lose it. I arrive at the gate of Mèng gōng*, the way is barred and guarded by men of the most ancient clan bodyguard, armed with very modern Predicean machine guns. I remove my helmet and the way is immediately opened.
“The prince has returned!” comes the call
The red lacquer room is the most intimate of settings, scarlet wood covers every surface, and delicate lines of graved gold dance across their face. It is here amongst the subdued lantern light and red silk drapes that my father comes to entertain concubines and close family, it is a bizarre choice to hear the audience of the abbot of the Song. Such a display of vulnerability could be a show of trust, or a trap to lure an overconfident enemy close.
As I enter the scent of incense fills my nostrils, sandalwood and clove fills the air with its warm spice. My father sits upon a cushion, his floor line desk heaving with the dishes of the day's second meal, he sips wine from a bronze drinking cup and barely seems to take notice of the exasperated holy man in his presence.
“My lord this decision offends heaven! You cannot remove a temple to build some elicit foreign gambling den! This is an affront!” the abbot bellows in an outraged voice
He is an aging man, not so old as to be decrepit but far from young, he covers his white hair beneath a ceremonial blue cihang cap* and his beard is neatly oiled and braided in the manner of a distinguished sage. He carries an ivory cane though I suspect less for support and more for pageantry, appearance is Afterall everything in a land of traditions.
Lee Song, the current abbot of the brotherhood of song’s* southern chapter, a greater hypocrite the world has never known. His order protests the degeneration of Aria even as they willingly grow rich off the deluded poor who would benefit most from modernity. He and his order would have us live in the manner of our fathers, with themselves at the head of the stagnant table.
“Do not think to lecture to me on the will of heaven priest! My ancestor fought at the side of the gods!” My father replies coldly
Meng Yi, the red dragon of the south, lord of Hongwon, and Duke of the sanguine realms, my father. At 45 the lord of the south is in bullish health, handsome despite his bulky frame and drink-reddened cheeks, he lounges in simple linen robes and seems to regard the abbot with a mixture of amusement and contempt, like a boy tormenting a trapped spider.
For years now the steady tide of modernization has washed over Aria and with each passing season the change becomes more marked and the divide more fractious. My father and the brotherhood spar constantly, every move protested and countered, they are a thorn in progresse's side and a chain that our nation would be blessed to rid itself of.
The delicious aroma of grilled pork and tofu in chili oil makes the meeting all the more grueling, the abbot has almost certainly missed his own dinner and the scent of so much rich food is almost certainly torturous. My father pulls the rigid monk along on strings of the fool's own making, toying with the fanatic even as he prepares to humiliate him.
“Destroying a shrine is blasphemy!” Lee continues his voice now rising well above the level that most courtiers would tolerate
“A shrine you did not maintain! Your order has been generously compensated; I will hear no more of this!” my father growls with a dismissive wave
“I will petition the emperor! This will not stand” Lee protests with an angry wagging of his cane
“See to it that you give my regards to our noble lord!” Meng Yi shoots back in a mocking voice
The abbot storms off, indignant steps clattering on the polished wooden floors as he leaves. My father chuckles and pours more wine into his cup, he sips it with a smug expression as he savors his small victory. The conflict is almost certain to grow worse from here, the pride of that wretched order pushing it deeper into sedition with each passing day. For now, my father regards me with a curious expression.
“Riding that death trap again I see, a less indulgent father would forbid such recklessness” Father quips in mock disapproval
“Then I thank the ancestors I am born to the house of Meng Tao” I reply with a knowing wink
“Ha! No more indulgent a clan walks the face of this earth!” my father laughs loudly as he downs his wine
He beckons me to sit, tea and food is brought and for a time we eat in comfortable silence, the food seems to have the desired effect, he sobers up rapidly and free from the haze of the wine my father regards me with a serious expression.
“The Brotherhood is growing more brazen, they have support amongst both the poor and the wealthy, there are many who do not see our emperors project for the salvation it is” my father explains as the servants clear away the bowls and plates
Embassies, industrial growth, borders that grow open ever more rapidly, foreign goods and foreign tongues, the era of Chenghua is upon Aria. But while most sane souls realize we cannot continue in isolation, countless old clans would beg to differ and violently so. This casino is merely a skirmish in a larger war.
“This casino, it is worth angering the brotherhood?” I ask apprehensively
My father’s expression becomes thoughtful as he ponders my question, he sets down his cup and stokes his beard contemplatively. After a long silence he speaks once more but now his expression is not the solemn wonderings of a sage, now his eyes bear our clan's telltale expression of mischief in their showing.
“Tell me boy, how would you deal with the brotherhood?” he asks with a quizzical tone and a probing expression
I think on it for a while, I bear their order no love and after all the trouble and disrespect they have offered, I would love nothing more than to have them all buried alive in the manner of disobedient scholars*. I answer recklessly.
“I would have them arrested for sedition” I exclaim in a boastful tone
“Jailing holy men, perhaps that might have worked once, but now they are as a nest of hornets my son, trouble one and the whole swarm emerges.” my father replies with a disappointed shake of his head
“And if we do nothing, we lose face!” I snap back in exasperation, the wine evidently making me less then civil
“Perhaps...or perhaps by doing nothing we allow our enemy to stumble” he replies with the slightest of smiles
“I don’t understand,” I say in an uncertain voice
“What is the sacred law of the Tao*?!” my father asks of me in a commanding voice
“Action through inaction "I reply with practiced speed, after years of tutelage I could recite the ancestral law in my sleep
“Exactly and it is no different here, this casino...it is a ploy my son...a ruse to draw an overconfident enemy out into the open!” my father replies spreading one hand across the table for emphasis
“And once they show their hand?” I ask
“Then we cut it off for good” father replies with a vicious smile
“Clever, very clever father,” I say with an approving nod
“If it works” he replies somberly
A gamble then, I would almost approve and consider it apropos if it was not our family's survival that was being wagered. Nothing in this land is certain, even the mighty dragon must now chart an uncertain path through the coming days.
*The M’beki 2000 is a hybrid motorcycle designed and sold by Astragonese company Kazingo motors. Noted for its speed and the elegant lion motif on the bikes front.
*Literally “red bay” named for the bruised wine-colored sunsets, main port and capital city of southern Aria.
*literally “The Palace of Meng”
*Traditional monastic headdress
*The brotherhood of Song, an ultra-orthodox sect of the faith, this order preaches isolation, adherence to tradition and the rejection of all things foreign. Founded a century prior as a reaction to foreign incursions.
*Ancient punishment reserved for scholars who had offended the emperor and his dragons
*Ancient philosophical and mystical treaties that have become intertwined in Aria’s ancestral culture.
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