[Passed] Confirmation of Dreadton as Election Commissioner

Sil Dorsett

The Belt Collector
TNP Nation
I also note that his current term expires on 12/9/22, and appoint @Dreadton to another term as election commissioner.

@Dreadton has been appointed to serve as an Election Commissioner by Delegate @Pallaith. I now open the floor for debate and discussion on the nominations. I would welcome a statement in support of the nomination from @Pallaith.

Should the appointment go to a vote, I intend to put the following motion before the Regional Assembly:
The Regional Assembly, acting on the nomination of the delegate, appoints Dreadton to the Election Commission.
Full support. Dreadton has been an excellent ECer and I have no doubt he'll continue to be.
Dreadton is the definition of election commissioner. I have no questions or doubts about his ability to serve in this capacity and feel we should take advantage of his willingness to lend the body his expertise and time in the role. He has my full support and I see no reason to drag this out any further. I motion for a vote.
Dreadton is the definition of election commissioner. I have no questions or doubts about his ability to serve in this capacity and feel we should take advantage of his willingness to lend the body his expertise and time in the role. He has my full support and I see no reason to drag this out any further. I motion for a vote.
I second the motion to vote.
Motion and second recognized. A 5-day vote has been scheduled to begin at approximately (time=1669935600). Since the vote would end on the 6th, and Dreadton's term ends on the 9th, this should suffice.