[Inaius]Monsters Among the Stars {Semi-Open}


Planet on the Outer edge of Feline space.

Captain's log:We have Arrived on the Planet Hellvik, Along with the Kolkoma Class Heavy Frigate Valvirkir, We have Received Strange Reports from the Inhabitants of Hellvik, The Icy Planet has Experienced strange Activity on one of its three continents, And the Activity has also Occurred in the Yergasa System, we are investigating these Reports.

Captain Orkosa Sighs as he looks outside the Window, the Planet of Hellvik is a massive Sphere hovering out the window, filling much of the view as the Ship orbited at around 17,000 Kilometers.

He takes a step away from the window and walks towards the Couch, which he would sit on. He Grabbed the Holographic remote for the Holovision, and turned it on.He Browsed through the Channels, Finding lots of Dramas from 50 Years ago on.

“Nothing good is ever on these days” He said, and switched the TV Channel to the News, In which he finds an even worse assortment of News Regarding Small things like City elections on Planets, which might seem somewhat important but given that the UFR Was a Interstellar Nation, it was literally the last thing he would expect to see on the news during these times.

He was just about to scream at the Holovision, but there was a ring on his Holo-Communicator. He turned the HV off and he picked up the HC.


“Hello Captain, Elsior here, we are Picking up a very strange Readings from the Other side of the system, I Suggest reporting to the Bridge for this”

“Ah”He said, “Will be there shortly, thank you Lieutenant”

The Device hung up, and he quickly walked to the Bridge.

The Bridge was not very busy, and not calm either, it almost seemed like there was concern, but not panic, in the Bridge.

“What is going on? He asked, Elsior answered. “We are getting a Strange Reading near the 11th Planet, the Outermost one.”Elsior said, then Continued after a short pause. The Disturbances seem to Be very Artificial, And its big, It is a Ship or certainly something of the sort.”

“Did you try to Hail them”

“Yes Sir, No Response, and it has a energy signature that's through the Roof”

“Well then, Prepare Weapons just in case, and radio the nearest fleet to keep them updated in-case the worst comes, Radio the HQ on Felinus too, And the Other Ships in the system ”He said.

“Hopefully, we don't need them, but it helps to be prepared. “