[Passed] Confirmation of Fili as Election Commissioner

Sil Dorsett

The Belt Collector
TNP Nation
The Delegate:
I appoint @Fili to a term as Election Commissioner.

@Fili has been appointed to serve as an Election Commissioner by Delegate @Pallaith. I now open the floor for debate and discussion on the nominations. I would welcome a statement in support of the nomination from @Pallaith.

Should the appointment go to a vote, I intend to put the following motion before the Regional Assembly:
The Regional Assembly, acting on the nomination of the delegate, appoints Fili to the Election Commission.
I continue to be impressed by what Fili brings to the table, and the enthusiasm with which he takes on new challenges and responsibilities in the region. He's the best of what we hope to see in newer players who join the game and step up in our community, and with his proven experience working as part of a team (and now leading it, as the LGA), and his constantly positive attitude, I am happy to give him this additional opportunity to serve.

As a relatively new member of the region, I'd like to hear your thoughts on what are some of the important/interesting/unusual parts of our election law, and where you think mistakes could most easily be made during the election process.
I'd like to hear your thoughts on what are some of the important/interesting/unusual parts of our election law
I'll start with the important parts. I'd probably say, that it's the most basic ones like "one person gets to cast one vote". They are a foundation of democracy, everything is built up from them.

Now to the unusual parts - I see few. Firstly, rule stating "If a ballot is modified by the voter, any prior challenge of that ballot will be null and void." If a challenged part of the ballet was not changed, and it would not change anything regarding the challenge, I believe it is unnecessary for the challenge to be voided.

Secondly, "If a voter does not vote Yes or No to a question to re-open nominations for a given office, their vote for that office will not be counted." I kinda don't understand the point of this. I think people should be given an option to abstain from vote in this.
and where you think mistakes could most easily be made during the election process.
Well, it's hard for me to tell, as I wasn't a member of Election Commission yet. I don't think any mistakes could be made "easily", I believe the system is goon enough for that not to happen.
Judging from outside, if any mistake was to happen, it would probably be a simple miscount of a ballot.
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Is there any part of our election laws that you want to change? Also congrats on the appointment
Is there any part of our election laws that you want to change? Also congrats on the appointment
If any, I would change the earlier mentioned law:
Now to the unusual parts - I see few. Firstly, rule stating "If a ballot is modified by the voter, any prior challenge of that ballot will be null and void."
Like I said earlier, I see voiding a challenge, after editing of the ballot, in case in which the challenged part if the ballot wasn't changed, as simply unnecessary.
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Now to the unusual parts - I see few. Firstly, rule stating "If a ballot is modified by the voter, any prior challenge of that ballot will be null and void." If a challenged part of the ballet was not changed, and it would not change anything regarding the challenge, I believe it is unnecessary for the challenge to be voided.
Thanks for this answer, I haven't thought about it this way before.
Secondly, "If a voter does not vote Yes or No to a question to re-open nominations for a given office, their vote for that office will not be counted." I kinda don't understand the point of this. I think people should be given an option to abstain from vote in this.
This is something a few voters trip up over in every election. That said, there's not a lot of reason to abstain from this choice - unlike individual candidates where voters might feel they can't make a choice, you can usually default to not reopening elections if you don't have problems with the quality of candidates. And usually voters get tripped up over this because they forget to choose an option, not because they try to abstain. That said, I'm glad you pointed out this quirk in our election system.
Seeing as there are no outstanding questions or objections to the nomination, I motion for a vote and additionally - if it is within my ability to do so - request that the voting period finishes in time to allow Fili to take their oath before the commencement of the November Judicial Election. I believe a regular 5 day voting period should still work if the vote is started relatively soon.
Seeing as there are no outstanding questions or objections to the nomination, I motion for a vote and additionally - if it is within my ability to do so - request that the voting period finishes in time to allow Fili to take their oath before the commencement of the November Judicial Election. I believe a regular 5 day voting period should still work if the vote is started relatively soon.
I second the motion
Seeing as there are no outstanding questions or objections to the nomination, I motion for a vote and additionally - if it is within my ability to do so - request that the voting period finishes in time to allow Fili to take their oath before the commencement of the November Judicial Election. I believe a regular 5 day voting period should still work if the vote is started relatively soon.

I second the motion

A 3-day vote is scheduled to start at (time=1666904400)