Grecoideatia Government Reference and Directory


"I will be true to you whatever comes."
TNP Nation
Castle in Confidence

The first principle that is tantamount to understanding how Greco orders the instruments which keep society in order is that it is a top-down oriented society. The teachings of Regulus forms its worldview in virtually everything including religion, education, policy, relationships, history, music, and even cuisine. Regulus begins his inquiries into reality with metaphysics which allude to forms, those are transcendent entities which exist beyond perception which find their subsistence in God but act as the archetype for the natures of everything which can be seen. The form of tree, bench, dog, person, Truth, and so on exists independently of human perception and informs their occurrences as experienced by people. With this in mind, the job of the state is to serve the forms and to help the people to do the same as a united whole. Community is more important than individualism which is congruent with the top down order of things. If the forms are most important, then the individual needs though valuable are not able to override the value of the highest things in the order of being, that being the forms which are only outranked by God Himself and those things which participate in the Beatific Vision of Him. The development of Greco's political culture has come about to serve this core belief. However, there is division which exists rooted in the tensions and divides cemented through the centuries caused by the the different interpretations of Regulus's teachings as filtered through his five "children". These children are not his actual blood sons and daughters but his five greatest students who succeeded him. They disagreed over what forms and virtues were greatest which led to them going separate ways with their own followers to establish communities which aligned with their visions of who their former teacher was. Today, this has lead to five distinct entities which make up Grecoideatia plus one special state. So first, these entities will be introduced.

The 6 Entities of Grecoideatia
Coat of Arms
Location Within Grecoideatia
The Caritian Union​
The Doctrini Commonwealth​
The Passiontide Kingdom​
The Sophian Realm​
The Grecoan State​
The Bishopric of Timaeus​

Overtime, the students of Regulus grew their communities into thriving sub-societies. The each chose a place in the land to establish a center for their teaching and mentorship in order to service their people. These cities still exist today and act as the political and cultural centers for each respective entity. They are known as the five Principle Poleis. Each entity has one Principle Polis which acts as the largest city and capital where which the monarch, the physical, spiritual, intellectual, ritualistic, philisophical, legal, and political head of the entity governs. The current monarchs of Grecoideatia are as follows:

The Monarchs of Grecoideatia
PortraitTitleFirst HolderVowed PrinciplesPrinciple PolisPolis Location Coat of Arms
Queen Rebecca of Evangeline's Throne, Homestead, Mercy, and Most Infinite TreasuryEvangeline, First Daughter of RegulusLove, Compassion, Mercy, Gentleness, Empathy, Sacrifice, Understanding, Goodness, Community, Primacy of Family Life, Patience, ServiceThe Principal Polis of Evangeline
King Erwin of Cosmus, Master of the 5 Libraries, Grand Chancellor of High College, Last Defense of the IntellectsCosmus, First Son of RegulusTruth, Doctrine, Obedience, Consistency, Education, Honesty, Innovation, Lawfulness, Temperance, Prudence, Conscientiousness, Well Examination, Temporal OrderThe Principal Polis of Cosmuten
King Gerard of Clement, Muse of the Spirit, Patron of the Arts, Mirror of the People, Keeper of Hope's ThroneClement, Second Son of RegulusBeauty, Passion, Identity, Strength, Resistance, Hope, Self Knowledge, Art, Expression, Experience, Valuing the Present, Self Respect, Defense of the VulnerableThe Principal Polis of Clementide
Queen Mother Superior Cecilia, Disciple of Sophia, Mother of the Pilgrim People, Salve of the Splendid Mysteries, Child of the Magister's WonderSophia, Second Daughter of RegulusWisdom, Unity, Mystery, Spiritual Oneness, Asceticism, Contemplation, Silence, Self Denial, Spiritual Order, Primacy of the Interior Life, Ecclesial Hierarchy, Denial of MaterialismThe Principal Polis of Sophia
Servant Hannah the Linecean, Monarch of Her People, Keeper of Balance, Unifier of Grecoideatia, Voice of Linus in Our MidstLinus, Last Child of RegulusBalance, Mediation of the Four Ways, Dialogue Among Dissenters, Dissolution of Historical Rivalries, Unity of People, Societal Coherence Through Variety of ApproachesThe Principal Polis of Ontos
Archbishop Magnus Cardinal Darnazun, Archbishop of TimaeusBishop Hul PeyolThe governance and protection of the people for the sake of their wellbeing both spiritual and physical as is compatible with the teachings put forward by the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. The Blessed Polis of Timaeus

Overtime, as the size of the poleis expanded either because of the sheer population increase or the spreading of ideas, and Grecoan culture with it, it became necessary to establish neighboring poleis as well. The general model followed was for a trusted student of the monarch to be sent off to make sure the purity and stability of teachings remained intact in neighboring lands. These students maintained a long line of teaching in their own right in these newer poleis. The remaining poleis of Grecoideatia are governed under the authority of their monarch through the governance of their students who hold the rank and office of Viceroy. What follows is a list of poleis in each entity along with a more in depth look at how governance at that level functions as it is not uniform in each entity. Each developed separately and in accordance with its own teaching tradition.
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The Caritian Union

The guiding principle of the Caritian Union is love which was instituted by its founder, Evangeline. Evangeline's successor as monarch of the nation maintains this principle while defending the political order against corruption which may circumvent this final end of the people as a whole. Overtime, the monarch has enlisted the help of viceroys to watch over portions of the Union in order to act in her stead at a more local level. The Monarch of the Caritian Union is both the head of the Polis of Evangeline and the entire Union which is united under her. Each polis has democratic bodies which run the day to day political business of the people along with prime ministers, but the Monarch and her viceroys have powers to veto measures and guide the people away from those particulars which they see as contrary to the teachings of Regulus as taught to them by Evangeline for the accomplishment of perfect charity, the highest path to holiness and communion with God. The people of the Union choose from the Viceroys the next Monarch when one abdicates or dies while the viceroys are each chosen by the Monarch herself. Below are listed the poleis of the Caritian Union along with the current viceroy of each if applicable.

Polis Name
Monarch / Viceroy
Principle Polis of Evangeline

Queen Rebecca of Evangeline
Ocugraph Polis


Viceroy Dalgrand Eriton
Calix Polis


Viceroy Helena Galant
Diaghilev Polis

Viceroy Jalen Deltan
Enimis Polis

Viceroy Denda Res
The Passiontide Kingdom

The guiding principle of Passiontide is strength through self understanding and self actualization, the dignity of identity. This primary means by which this value is upheld is through the expression and embodiment of truth through the arts. This makes Passiontide the cultural center and trailblazer of Grecoideatia. The governing class has established overtime through a complex system and hierarchies of patronage to the arts. Every king since the first, Clement, has played the role of highest patron with the success of one's work whether it be visual arts, theater, architecture, music, poetry, cinema or hybrid forms being defined by the rank of their patronage. This makes Passiontide's peerge system one of the most complex and influential in Grecoideatia. Still, the King and his viceroys remain the greatest patrons and the most important figures in defining the current cultural popularities and trends. The main government organs are the Academies of successful artists who are considered experts in their field and worthy of high ranking patronages either within the Academies of each particular poleis or in the Academy of Passiontide which represents the entire realm. Passiontide has seen a steady increase in its population due to the desire of citizens from around the nation wishing to begin a career in the arts. King Gerard currently reigns as a young monarch after the death of his father when he was only fifteen. However, he seems to have a gift for fictional writing and playing the harp which grants him widespread respect in Passiontide.

Polis Name
Monarch / Viceroy
Principle Polis of Clementide

King Gerard of Clement
Kitt Polis

Viceroy Milton Hargrave
Ferrijit Polis

Viceroy Denora Bellener
Rugal Polis

Viceroy Chancey Salivan
Shuraig Polis

Viceroy James Forvath