Opening Address
September the 13th, 2022
And so another term begins!September the 13th, 2022
I'd like to begin by congratulating @Pallaith, @Hulldom, and @Sil Dorsett on their victories in the general election and wish them all the best of luck for the term ahead. We have more driven leadership than ever going forward into the next four months and I have no doubt in my mind that we'll all accomplish incredible things with them at the helm.
In the last month or so, we have made great strides towards continual improvement and progress, from the weekly Music Mondays and Theme Thursdays to two new NBS shows being released, the Delegates Day event held, and general activity in the Ministry increasing. Overall, I am pleased with the things we have done given the relatively short time I have had in the position, but I know we can do even more.
For this term, every single area of the Ministry will be spurred into action: radio, events, publications, recruitment, and more. We're going to be releasing more shows through NBS, putting together a regular publication schedule, planning more events for everyone to enjoy, and doubling down on our recruitment efforts. I am keeping my deputies @Vivanco and @Greater Ale Permars for this term, as well.
Let's get to it!
Minister of Culture