[R4R] On what is disclosed in a private ballot


Deputy Minister
TNP Nation
1. What law, government policy, or action (taken by a government official) do you request that the Court review?
During the September 2022 General Election The Voting Booth disclosed more than it was legally allowed to from my private ballot.

2. What portions of the Constitution, Bill of Rights, Legal Code, or other legal document do you believe has been violated by the above? How so?
According to Section 4.4: Overall Election Law:
Private votes may be sent by private message to a forum account designated for that purpose by the Election Commission. In such an event, the Election Commissioners supervising the election will promptly announce that a vote has been cast privately and who that vote was cast for. The Election Commissioners may not announce any other details about the vote.
The election commissioners may not announce any other details about the vote, this would include any additional "ramblings" or excessive commentary that was included on the ballot for any reason.
Further my right to cast an anonymous ballot was infringed upon when my additional "ramblings" where posted along side my ballot. The text of such ballot can be found below now that my anonymity has been infringed upon and my vote public.

Ballot ID number: #9003 (real random I know)

Delegate: < | Abstain >
Would you like to reopen nominations? < Yes | >

Vice Delegate: < | Abstain >
Would you like to reopen nominations? < Yes | >

Speaker: < Sil Dorsett | | Abstain >
Would you like to reopen nominations? < | No >
9003 is the supreme ruler of TNP this is an official statement of them taking over power.

3. Are there any prior rulings of the Court that support your request for review? Which ones, and how?
Not that I am aware of as this is a particularly unique issue we have not seen the likes of before.

4. Please establish your standing by detailing how you, personally, have been adversely affected. If you are requesting a review of a governmental action, you must include how any rights or freedoms of yours have been violated.
My standing is that my vote and nonsensical ramblings have been shared publicly removing my right to cast a private ballot, a right I did not yield by using an id of 9003 as a random number generator could very easily produce such a result. Further The voting booth knowingly edited my vote to alter the appearance, while this did not effect whom I voted for I feel as though my vote has substantially changed its apperance. The original vote contained two quote tags at the bottom thus proving that The voting booth has the ability to remove any of "the other details of the vote"

5. Is there a compelling regional interest in resolving your request? If so, explain why it is in the interest of the region as whole for your request to be decided now.
Allowing users to decorate votes with ramblings that have to be posted by the voting booth could lead to spam or more oversight for the EC, Thus delaying the democratic process. Furthermore a user could accidentally send personally identifying information via ballot should they not release that they are still sending a DM. While this information may be damaging if seen by anyone reducing the spread of said information should be the regions duty to protect its citizens.

6. Do you have any further information you wish to submit to the Court with your request?
None at this time.
The Court orders the Chief Election Commissioner @Gorundu and the Sep 2022 Election Supervisors @Vivanco and @Rewan Demontay to preserve the private ballot Identified in this R4R as submitted to the Voting Booth, while the court considers this application for Review.
The Court at this time denies the request for review of the petitioner. While the petitioner does have standing due to it being their ballot in question, the Legal Code already provides a remedy in Section 4.3.17-19 to allow for citizens to review decisions of the Election Commissioners supervising a given election, and the Election Commission has designated a procedure for such in Article 6 of their rules. The Court thus views the Election Commission as the appropriate body to request a review of a ballot and directs the petitioner to avail themself of this remedy before they consider refiling this petition.