[SC - PASSED] Commend Refuge Isle

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TNP Nation

Commend Refuge Isle
Category: Commendation | Target: Refuge Isle
Proposed by: Quebecshire, Co-authored by: Honeydewistania | Onsite Topic

The Security Council,

Beginning the Fanciful Tales of Refuge Isle (often referred to as “Luca”) with the environmentally stunning and prolifically democratic region of Refugia, which they founded alongside Sylh Alanor,

Recognizing Luca’s extensive contributions to Refugi culture and political norms, such as a strong affinity with democracy that enables all Member States to have a direct say in the governance of the region, highlights of their work being:

  • Serving as its Arch-Administrator since the region’s inception, a role through which they serve as Head of State and oversee all referenda and elections to the Regional Council,
  • Authoring and co-authoring nine amendments to the Refugia Revised Statutes (the regional constitution) which streamlined several processes such as election consolidation, cohesion in the Regional Council, and responsible utilization of border control,
  • Publishing the Refugi Tower Archives and conducting the annual Refuge Census, both providing Refugi nations and the world at large with detailed and updated information on global and regional trends and statistics,

Applauding the unique culture of environmental protection and conservation Luca cultivated within Refugia as its Councillor of Culture, in which they established the Green Week event and initiated the publishing of the Eco-Report, encouraging national leaders to enact environmentally-supportive policies,

Appreciating Luca for also promoting environmentalism beyond Refugia by passing international legislation such as GA#473 “Responsible Land Management”, which reduced the permanent destruction of habitats due to careless agricultural practices through its mandates, as well as alerting nations to the economic consequences of their refusal to sign climate treaties through the document “Trading Climate Sours”,

Nodding in approval at the nominee’s creation of Dot, a robotic entity which has further enabled Refugia and other notable regions such as The Order of the Grey Wardens (TGW), Thaecia, and The Union of Democratic States to improve their regional World Assembly literacy, as well as their general recruitment efforts,

Acclaiming Luca's monumental efforts to improve community outreach via their substantial recruitment and integration efforts, which include:

  • Tireless work in recruiting new nations to their regions, raising the population of TGW by around 500 nations to over 700 nations and supporting consistent growth in Refugia that has allowed the community to be home to more than 400 nations,
  • The creation of the Endotarting Program in Refugia and the Bastion Program in TGW, which involved the magnanimous donations of valuable artwork to nations with high WA participation, strengthening the influence these regions have in the WA,

Extolling Luca's contributions to the international artwork community by highlighting the ultra-rare rarity through the almost-complete "Pretty in Purple" and complete "Power to the Purple" collections of every ultra-rare artwork in the first and second editions respectively, alongside being one of the few traders to complete the set of all legendary rarity artwork,

Amazed by Luca's meteoric success in TGW, rapidly rising to the rank of Warden-Commander, where they painstakingly maintained Warden service records in their role as the organisation's Chamberlain in addition to their labor in pushing integration efforts and organizing defensive operations,

Ecstatic at Luca's further contributions to global recordkeeping and preservation through the creation of the Eyebeast, an exhaustive and easy-to-access repository of regional data that allows those restoring or interested in a region's past attributes to promptly access them,

Revering Luca’s tactical combat expertise in calculating military movements as a key leader in large-scale operations throughout their career, including several critical defender victories such as the liberations of:

  • Nasunia, a peaceful region invaded by deceitful tactics involving espionage against 10000 Islands,
  • Trovons, a newer community which was thrust into turmoil due to raider forces banning the region’s founder during their occupation,
  • China, a historic region invaded by a broad coalition, resulting in one of the most attended sieges and liberations in known history,

Astonished at the sheer amount of military operations which Luca has participated or taken a leading role in, leading to a total of over 10,000 defensive operations since they began their career, an incredible feat rivaled by few and accomplished in relatively short time,

Convinced that Luca's propensity for regional development, steadfast defense of innocent communities, and desire to guide nations across the globe marks them as an exemplary leader that all others should strive to emulate,

Hereby commends Refuge Isle.

Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

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This proposal seeks to repeal commend Refuge Isle (referred to as Luca) for accomplishments in region-building, infrastructure and defending. Luca has founded Refuge Isle, one of the largest user-created regions in NationStates. The author notes that Luca has served as head of state in the region since its founding, co-authored 9 amendments to the region's constitution, and served as Refugia's Councillor of Culture. Under Luca's work, Refugia has grown to over 400 nations. Luca has also done work in the cards community, being one of the few traders to complete the set of all legendary artwork. Luca has also done successful defending in the past, liberating regions including Nasunia, Trovons, and China.

Luca is an excellent player who’s managed to provide a unique style of gameplay to NS. Réfugia itself is one of the most powerful nations in NationStates, and it's community and culture show that it was well-built. This, along with Luca's work in other aspects of the game, makes Luca a more than fine candidate for a commendation in our book.

For the above reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For the General Assembly Resolution at vote, Commend Refuge Isle.
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For. Like her or not, and I personally have no problem with Luca, she’s an excellent player who’s managed to provide as unique…style to NS. Réfugia itself predates NS as my understanding goes and transposing that community on to NS, along with building it, and the various other stuff, makes Luca a more than fine candidate for a commendation in my book.
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