August 2022 - World Assembly Affairs Opening Address
Hello all!
I am Chipoli, and I will be your new Minister of World Assembly Affairs. This is a meaningful moment for me, as it is the first time I stepped into a leadership role as significant as this one in the realm of NationStates. I did not expect to be appointed in these circumstances, but as they say, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Firstly, I'd like to thank our delegate Pallaith, for putting his trust in me to run this ministry. Without his faith, none of this would have been possible. I'd also like to extend a quick gratitude to former ministers Hulldom and Deropia who both laid the foundations when I was a staffer and deputy and helped make what this wonderful ministry is today.
My goal for my tenure is to increase engagement and help all the staffers work more as a team. Recently, the lack of activity and the lack of communication has plagued this ministry, something I and the delegate have both agreed on during our conversations. While I understand the fact that everyone has busy schedules at this point in time, the ministry really needs more people to find time out of their day and step up and help make this a successful project. That said, I'm excited for the future of the MoWAA and look forward to seeing what direction we will go in together.
That said, I'd like to announce the next few deputy appointments, but not before introducing a new policy. Any deputy who is deemed to have a lack of activity or contributions to the ministry will be removed from their position. With this, I must empathize that in order to have a successful and working ministry, you have to dedicate as much as you can to it, especially if you are a deputy. Here are my deputies for the remainder of the term:
- @Greater Cesnica will return for another stint as deputy. He's stepped up at times when no one else did and has impressed me with his work in maintaining threads and writing IFVs. I hope he will continue his work under me and I am excited to see what he can do as deputy.
- @Fregerson will continue in his role after serving under Deropia. He's done a good job writing IFVs and sending them out. He's good with technology and his reliability convinced me to allow him to stay on board.
- @Caius has been another reliable deputy and has also served under Deropia. I like what he's done for the ministry and hope he can continue his work.
If you are interested in becoming a deputy in the future, I want to see hard work and dedication as mentioned previously. If you prove yourself, I might just give you a shot.
In concluding this announcement, I'd like to thank everyone who has believed in me over these past couple of months, possibly even more than I believed in myself. I'd like to continue raising the bar for the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs and look forward to seeing what everyone can achieve under my work.
Minister of World Assembly Affairs
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