Opening Statement
August the 8th, 2022
Hello!August the 8th, 2022
My name is Kasch, and it is with great honor that I can announce I will be serving as your Minister of Culture for the remainder of the term and hopefully beyond.
I'd firstly like to extend my thanks to Pallaith, for taking the time to speak to me about and understand my perspectives on the ministry. Returning to NationStates has been surreal, fascinating, and most of all, just as welcoming as it was when I joined back in 2016, for the most part, thanks to those who have listened to and understood me since my return. We are all part of a historic community that holds tremendous potential and talent, where new and returning players get all the right opportunities and support needed to accomplish great things. In this regard, after fruitful conversations with Pallaith about the Ministry of Culture and the direction we're headed as a region, we'd established we're now in a position where we need to be turning more of our great ideas into realities. A lot of work needs doing, and it will require the collective efforts of the ministry to perform at the level we are capable of, but I know we will get there.
I intend to unveil more plans for the ministry over the next few days, so keep that in mind. We have Delegate's Day 2022 coming up, a lot of equally exciting events in the pipeline, and a whole bunch of ideas for smaller events, contests, and weekly activities to sink our teeth into. Despite only having a few more weeks of the term remaining, I want to build up the momentum in our ministry as much as possible so that when the next term comes around, we'll have in place the necessary communication, engagement, and energy to hit the ground running. In every member of staff there is a creative force, whether it be writing, graphic design, music, you name it. It's my job to unlock that force within you to create value and enjoyment for the community, and in turn, create value and enjoyment for yourself. We are all slightly different in our own creative outlets, but together, the sum of all of those outlets can be something really amazing. I am absolutely set on establishing within the ministry a free-flowing environment for new ideas to be shared by all members of staff, so if you have any ideas, in any shapes, colors, and sizes, share them and I will make sure they are considered, discussed, and acted upon.
Thank you all for taking the time to read this statement, I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your day, and I can't wait to get started!
Minister of Culture
I intend to unveil more plans for the ministry over the next few days, so keep that in mind. We have Delegate's Day 2022 coming up, a lot of equally exciting events in the pipeline, and a whole bunch of ideas for smaller events, contests, and weekly activities to sink our teeth into. Despite only having a few more weeks of the term remaining, I want to build up the momentum in our ministry as much as possible so that when the next term comes around, we'll have in place the necessary communication, engagement, and energy to hit the ground running. In every member of staff there is a creative force, whether it be writing, graphic design, music, you name it. It's my job to unlock that force within you to create value and enjoyment for the community, and in turn, create value and enjoyment for yourself. We are all slightly different in our own creative outlets, but together, the sum of all of those outlets can be something really amazing. I am absolutely set on establishing within the ministry a free-flowing environment for new ideas to be shared by all members of staff, so if you have any ideas, in any shapes, colors, and sizes, share them and I will make sure they are considered, discussed, and acted upon.
Thank you all for taking the time to read this statement, I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your day, and I can't wait to get started!
Minister of Culture