Yekteniya Worldbuilding Thread

The Yeketeniya Union
Yekteniya, officially the Yekteniyan Union is a country in Meterra that covers an area of 672,296 km2 (259,574 sq mi). Bordering Yamantau to the southwest, DPR Anmativeda to the east, and shares a maritime border with Lanceria to the northeast. Yekteniya has a population of around 125 million, with some of its major cities including Novyy Gorod, Asha, Digora, Kostov, Kupino, Nadym, Ukhta, Tsvetgorod, and its capital, Polunscow. Yekteniya mostly has a temperate transitional climate, with very cold winters, and very hot summers. Although much of the nation is under plains and forestry that's typically called "Dechernina", the country is diverse with other landmarks - from the mountain ranges of Velikolmy in the southeast to the grassland of Zapada Luga in the northwest. Yekteniya varies climate wise as well, with much of it being under a temperate transitional climate, with very cold winters, and hot summers, although much of the northwest tends to be more warm, while the southeast of the nation tends to be far more cold. Additionally, Yekteniya has three major bodies of water - Lake Liliya to the west, Lake Tarakan to the southeast, and Lake Velikyan to the south.

I will be using factbooks for further details on Yekteniya if you are interested in reading further. Graphics will be posted here mostly
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The A.C.E Group

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The Armed Contract Expedenatary Group (Yekteniyan: Vooruzhennyy Kontraktnyy Ekspeditsionnyy Gruppa) is a Yekteniyan Private Military Company (PMC) headquartered in Digora, and led by former Spetsvoypodra Udarmolnii Lieutenant Baranov Cheszlav. Mostly comprised of former Yekteniyan Army troops, the A.C.E Group occasionally works alongside the Yekteniyan Military, in training and deployments. The A.C.E Group was established in 2004 by former General of the Tsarist Army, Strekalov Sergei, which was founded to aid in the living conditions for veterans of the Yekteniyan Civil War and provide work opportunities, although much of the company's early activity was tasked with pacifying uprisings and aid with the Spetsantiterroistpodra Udarmolnii in combatting terrorist attacks. This would extend into the Ryzhov Period, where it'd also aid police officers during the Novyy Gorod Drug War. In 2015, two years after the takeover of Yekteniya by Joesph Pavlov, Strekalov Sergei resigned from the A.C.E Group and gave control of the company to Baranov Cheszlav, who would lead the A.C.E Group to this day and expanded its services internationally for foreign conflicts and foreign security. With around 25,000 operatives, much of the A.C.E Group comprises of former Yekteniyan Army soldiers, former Udarmolnii units, or very rarely, former police officers. This is mostly due to the strict recruitment, as only people with former experience with combat, the military, or security are allowed to be an operative of the A.C.E Group. The A.C.E Group offers its services to most nations for defense, warfare, mercenary work, or private security. Despite existing public information about the group's existence, the operations and inner workings of A.C.E Group are under heavy secrecy.

Coin of the A.C.E Group
Emblem of the A.C.E Group
Roundel of the A.C.E Group
Flag of the A.C.E Group
Patch of the A.C.E Group

The Mercenary Song

Me and Ivan there we both come from Korsakov
Met Aleksander out in Okhta
We're bound for Rafhazan to join Yamantau
We hear that they're payin' in gold
I guess a man's got to do what he's best at
Ain't found nothin' better so far
Been called mercenaries and men with no country
Just soldiers in search of a war
And we're bound for the border
We're soldiers of fortune
And we'll fight for no country but we'll die for good pay
Under the flag of of the greenback sodzh
Or the rhoti down Rafhazan way
When this war is over might go back to Korsakov
And settle down quiet some where
I'll most likely pack up and head south for Anmativeda
Heard tell there's some trouble down there
And we're bound for the border
We're soldiers of fortune
And we'll fight for no country but we'll die for good pay
Under the flag of of the greenback sodzh
Or the rhoti down Rafhazan way​

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