TSP Foreign Update
Greetings friends and allies,
As July wraps up, we in the South wanted to take the opportunity to provide you with updates and information on our recent happenings and events. This summer has been particularly active for the South Pacific, mainly with the kind of internal democratic processes that are central to our region here in NationStates' oldest democracy.
Aegis Accords Ratified and Celebrated
After many months of negotiations, the South Pacific finalized and ratified the Aegis Accords, a Defender mutual defense and cultural cooperation treaty, with our allies in Spiritus, The Union of Democratic States, The Rejected Realms, and 10000 Islands. In the signing ceremony, Prime Minister JayCoop (Qvait) issued the following statement:
Qvait:I am proud to put my signature on such a historic treaty that encapsulates the historic friendship that ties our regions together. For years, we have been friends and allies, tied together by one common cause. We are defenders, through and through. I truly cannot wait to see where we go from here, but I am confident that this alliance, the Aegis, will grow beyond the five of us to build a stronger, more united defender world.
Jay Coop
Prime Minister of the South Pacific
To celebrate the accomplishment, the South Pacific Special Forces (SPSF) conducted a joint detag run with the Ten Thousand Islands Treaty Organization (TITO), Rejected Realms Army (RRA), and Union of Democratic States Armed Forces (UDSAF) which detagged 342 regions over the span of two updates. Eight different SPSF personnel participated in this effort across both updates. We look forward to seeing what else this new partnership can accomplish.
Great Council Convened
After many months of discussion, debate, and High Court cases, a Great Council has been convened to rewrite the South Pacific's Charter and laws. The Great Council was convened in response to perceived flaws in the South Pacific's governing structure, which some argue were producing inactivity and limiting executive power, and out of a desire to allow a new generation of South Pacificans to shape their government's structure, which has been largely unchanged since the Great Council in 2016.
Since the start of the Great Council, many topics have been raised. Most prominent are debates about the future of the Local Council and "on-site governance", the role of the region's WA Delegate as an apolitical head of state, and the structure of the region's elected Cabinet. The full Great Council can be found here.
During this time, the current Charter remains in effect, and any and all diplomatic agreements made under the current Charter and laws will be considered valid under the new Charter. The South Pacific is still open for business while the GC is underway. If you have any concerns that the GC may impact relations with your region, please contact Minister of Foreign Affairs HumanSanity (HumanSanity#9270).
New Delegate Tepertopia Elected
The South Pacific has elected Tepertopia, also known as anjo, as the next Delegate of the South Pacific. Anjo has previously served as Chair of the Assembly and is currently the Director of the Office of WA Legislation and a member of the Legislator Committee (responsible for screening Legislator applicants). In addition to this long record of government service, anjo has promised to overturn the current pie-based leadership in favor of a cake-oriented regime, as well as regular "development reports" to the region on endorsement activity and new integration efforts. You can read more about anjo's campaign here.
Ministry of Media Abolished
After many attempted campaigns, long-time South Pacifican Belschaft won the election for Minister of Media on a campaign of abolishing the Ministry, which he believed suffered from inevitable inactivity and had a role which could be replaced by private individuals. Shortly thereafter, the Assembly passed laws repealing the Ministry's existence in the Charter, and bringing the Cabinet down to four Ministry portfolios.
Miscellaneous Other Items
- Minister of Culture Eggraria became non-communicative with Prime Minister Jay Coop and is set to be recalled by the Assembly. After that, a Special Election will be held to fill their position.
- In response to the signing of the Steele of Horus treaty with The Black Hawks (an organization proscribed from the South Pacific for acts of hostility against the Coalition) and their maintaining relations with The Brotherhood of Malice (which has committed acts of espionage against our treaty partner Balder), the South Pacific has terminated its detente with Osiris and closed its embassy with Osiris.
- In response to the leaked infiltration of the South Pacific in August 2018 by 'Brax', an agent of The West Pacific's then-government, the South Pacific has proscribed several individuals who were involved in that infiltration attempt. We thank The West Pacific's current government for their assistance in verifying the details of this operation and reaffirm our existing mutually respectful relationship. The full statement can be found here.
- Moon/Emodea has been confirmed to the position of General of the South Pacific Special Forces by the Assembly after nomination by Minister of Defense Pronoun. The General Corps, along with the Minister of Defense, is the collective leadership of the South Pacific Special Forces.
- Forum Administration has announced a forum move to "Discourse", a new forum software, to occur at a to-be-determined date. Government officials and forum moderation/administration are currently preparing for the move. More details to come in future updates.
Update by HumanSanity, Minister of Foreign Affairs