An Overview of Lesta

A thread that gives a general overview of Lesta's government, history, culture, and economy.

Lesta or officially the Democratic Kingdom of Lesta is located on the south-eastern part of the continent of Meterra and was formed in 1963. With 73 million people live and work in one of Lesta’s eight different provinces. The capital of Lesta and the largest city is Elgar. The official language of Lesta is Lestish, though Lestish has many regional differences and with certain accents can sound very similar to the Empire of Seinoku’s language of Iziku. The other official language of Lesta is Mercanti. Mercanti has slowly started to rival Lestish as Lesta’s main language as it is much simpler than Lestish and is widely used. Lesta’s form of government is a parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy, the current prime minister is Neville Hall and the king of Lesta is Lord Lengar the Third.

  • Capital: Elgar​
  • Year formed: 1963​
  • Most populated city: Elgar​
  • Population: 73,710,000​
  • Official language: Lestish and Mercanti​
  • Head of state: Lord Lengar the Third
  • Head of Government: Neville Hall​
  • Form of government: Parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy​
  • Currience: The Larc​
  • GDP: Not Finished​
Flag of Lesta

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