Somehow, Palpatine has returned
- TNP Nation
- Cretox State
- Discord
- Cretox#0125

NPA Starts Public Speaking Tour
To try and boost book sales, sell merch, grift political donations, and cover up an unfortunate incident involving a whale, two officers, a triplane, and a government photocopier, the NPA has started visiting innocent raider-defiled regions as part of a public relations tour.

From left in foreground: General Cretox, Colonel Koopa, and waste talk shop with some natives.
On May 21st's major update, NPA General @Cretox and Colonel @Koopa103 visited 77 such regions to clean them up and explain why they should donate to the NPA's war chest:
NationStates | CLC
NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Change

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Uniao da Cracolandia

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | C197

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Hops Across

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Communist Union of the North

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Gonorrhea

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Frjalsfjord

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | The Mysterious Raiders

NationStates | Greater Middle East Cold War

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Anville

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | The hyphenistans

NationStates | Socialist Confederation

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Ex nation

NationStates | Machina

NationStates | United Commonwealth

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Random

NationStates | Mylktopia

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Old Oratorian Islands

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | CCC

NationStates | Adventure Time

NationStates | Dark world
On May 22nd's minor update, Cretox joined forces with Lily mercenary waste to mix things up a little by visiting 43 innocent raider-hit regions and scamming 7 fascist holdouts:
NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Mars Command

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Deep Sea 5

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | The Union Of Science

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | The Islands of the Great Wrath

NationStates | Bozostan

NationStates | WASP

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Me and the boys at 3am looking for beans

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | BallsMoment

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Czarist Russia

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Spammystan

NationStates | Vodkalandia

NationStates | La Oposicion

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | This Game

NationStates | Adera

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Fukui

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Your Mother

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Patriotia

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Paballo

NationStates | All Sides

NationStates | Meme Team
NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | The Super Accepting Dictators

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Poopy Empire
Lastly, on May 24th's major update, General Cretox, Sergeant @Lord Dominator, and Lily mercenary @Bobberino visited 51 more regions to once again ask for their financial support:
NationStates | Dorito Juice

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Free TWP

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Betmet

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | FIRST

NationStates | Accolades

NationStates | Palos

NationStates | Conservative club

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Allied Nations

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Sekeila

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | United Planetary Council

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | The Liberty Block

NationStates | Little Chibun

NationStates | LSI

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | The Commonwealth Federation

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | The Motherland

NationStates | The Galimulator Union

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Furry Antifascist Alliance

NationStates | Why the NPO gotta be so sus

NationStates | The United Peoples Union

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | The Anvil

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Not Found

NationStates | Second World Order

NationStates | Kstew2306

Sergeant Lord Dominator (left) delivers prepared remarks as native (center) looks on in approval.
Though he's been out of commission for a bit of time due to running in the last Delegate election, @Lord Dominator has since returned to active participation in NPA operations, and is as dependable as ever. Therefore, it's my pleasure to promote him to Warrant Officer. Congratulations, LD!