[SC - PASSED] Repeal: “Commend Topid”

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Peasant Wizard
TNP Nation

Repeal: “Commend Topid”
Category: Repeal | Target: SC #98
Proposed by: Bormiar | Onsite Topic
Replacement: None​

Security Council Resolution #98 “Commend Topid” shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

The Security Council,

Conceding that Topid was involved in the early Security Council, and many of their contributions were impressive,

Arguing, however, that SC#98 greatly exaggerates the ultimate meaningfulness of Topid’s involvement, especially given that much of their career in the Security Council was plagued with damaging mistakes,

Noting that immediately following the foundation of the Security Council, Topid — using a vassal state named Tannerfrankland which Topid would later describe as “the most hated nation in SC history”— passed the infamous resolution “Condemn NAZI EUROPE”, which led to over a year of angry debate, several attempts by prominent nations to repeal, and a strong push for an outright proscription of resolutions condemning ideologies,

Citing that after this debacle, Topid, under another puppet state known as Daynor, created yet another messy fight in the form of “Condemn Grub”, naively and wrongfully accusing the 10000 Islands founder of “harassing” and “embarrassing” the natives of the raider region Empire of Power, in a proposal widely-disliked by Security Council members,

Recognizing that Topid attempted to distance themselves from their early work by abandoning TannerFrankland, deprioritizing Daynor, and creating Topid,

Concerned, however, that Topid would again misstep in their early accusations against the General Assembly, which Topid would later describe as misguided and caused by naiveté,

Certain that Topid’s Repeal “Commend 10000 Islands” — written under the nation Topid — was unconvincing and, due to political tactlessness, caused a much larger fight between Topid and 10000 Islands than necessary,

Noting that Topid has written two open letters to members of the Security Council apologizing for much of their early work in the Security Council,

Granting that while Topid did indeed found The Security Council, as mentioned in SC#98, nations such as Sedgistan and A mean old man were the primary contributors to drafting. Topid was a nation with far less experience or clout, and was largely mentored by other nations in the region,

Believing that the campaigns of Topid and others against Security Council by-laws early on in the assembly’s gestation were premature. These nations claimed that these by-laws would shut out commendations and condemnations for nations which involve themselves in inter-regional war, but the reverse came to pass, with these nations receiving disproportionate attention,

Disappointed that the World Factbook Entry of The Security Council states that the existence of these by-laws ensured that the Security Council collapsed and could not have a real community, a claim that is not only insulting, but incorrect, as the Security Council has successfully maintained a community of dedicated nations for over a decade,

Unsure of SC#98’s claim that the most major campaigner against these by-laws, the Third-Walled Bloc, was single-handedly maintaining Security Council activity, and that after its collapse, Topid revived the Security Council with the passage of “Condemn Unknown”. While “Condemn Unknown” may have signified an acceptance of existing Security Council by-laws, SC#98 does not say this, instead making suspect claims about activity, though the frequency of resolutions passed did not change significantly before and after “Condemn Unknown”,

Unconvinced that “Condemn Unknown” was, as SC#98 implies, an example of Topid’s supposed pioneering, as the opinion promoted by “Condemn Unknown” — that the destruction of regional communication systems is condemnable — has never become a widespread or standardized belief in the Security Council,

Unimpressed by many of Topid’s other resolutions, which were of a lower quality than those by other pioneers, containing far less concrete evidence than other resolutions, and typically being far vaguer,

Concluding that much of Topid’s history in the Security Council was tainted by repeated mistakes, and that their valid contributions were sparser and of lesser quality than other early members, like Sedgistan, A Mean Old Man, and Naivetry, none of which have received commendation for their Security Council work alone,

Hereby repeals SC#98 “Commend Topid”.

Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

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Overview This proposal seeks to repeal Security Council Resolution #98 “Commend Topid”. The proposal highlights a number of controversies Topid has been involved in with the Security Council, such as passing questionable condemnations on their puppet accounts and beginning a feud with the 10000 islands region. The proposal also points out that Topid had less impressive contributions to the Security Council than some of the other pioneers.

Recommendation While Topid could have been worthy of a commendation in the past, much of Topid’s history in the Security Council was tainted due to repeated mistakes. Their contributions were additionally of less quality than other major contributors to the Security Council. The commendation proposal also made claims about activity, while the activity did not significantly change in the Security Council.

For the above reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For the Security Council Resolution at vote, Repeal: “Commend Topid”

Our Voting Recommendation Dispatch-Please Upvote!
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