[Passed] Loh's Security Council Application

Tim Kasto

The Security Council has nominated Loh (Aenglaland) for a seat on the Security Council. The vote for the nomination, with 8 ayes, 0 nays, and 2 abstentions with all members present.

The Chair now presents this to the Regional Assembly for discussion.

A statement of support from the Security Council:

Loh is a long time veteran of NationStates and the North Pacific community since 2003. He served the region faithfully during his service in the North Pacific Army and on the regional message board as a Gameside Advocate. Today, he is still active on the regional message board where he engages with the rest of the community and helps guide new players. He began collecting endorsements around September and has amassed over 900 endorsements which shows his commitment to maintaining the needed number of endorsements and will guarantee him getting to Security Council levels in a short time. We believe that Loh will be a great addition to the ranks of the Security Council because of his previous experience and close connection to the gameside community, which is something the Security Council wants to continue to improve on.

Why do you want to join the Security Council?

The Council’s statement refers particularly to your RMB activity. A desire to increase the Council’s RMB activity is something that, I feel, has been present for a long time but seems difficult to materialise. Do you have any thoughts on how to encourage more RMB activity on the part of the Council? Would you be minded to encourage more nations who primarily use engage with others over the RMB to apply and do you think they would be receptive to it?

How would you assess your experience and knowledge of other regions and nations outside of TNP and how that might impact on your ability to give advice in relation the Vice Delegate’s security check?
I think Zyvet asked what I would ask.

Barring anything unsatisfactory though, I intend to vote Aye.
Eww, I don’t want cat poop in the SC chambers…

I like the nomination. I intend to vote Aye.

Why do you want to join the Security Council?

The Council’s statement refers particularly to your RMB activity. A desire to increase the Council’s RMB activity is something that, I feel, has been present for a long time but seems difficult to materialise. Do you have any thoughts on how to encourage more RMB activity on the part of the Council? Would you be minded to encourage more nations who primarily use engage with others over the RMB to apply and do you think they would be receptive to it?

How would you assess your experience and knowledge of other regions and nations outside of TNP and how that might impact on your ability to give advice in relation the Vice Delegate’s security check?
In simple terms, to contribute to the safety of the region. I feel my experience and knowledge can further enrich and strengthen the Council, which would also be a positive contribute to the region itself. Like stated above in the SC's message (who I would like to thank for their support), the fact that I can amass and maintain the required number of endorsements to join the body is evidence of my commitment to this region. But it's just one evidence. In fact, anyone with enough dedication and perseverance can reach a high number of endorsements. So what makes me different?

Nothing. I am simply someone with a big love for this region and its people, like many others here, and to be honest, the only place I've truly felt at home in this game ever since I was forced out of TP back in 2003. I genuinely wish to do more than just amass endorsements and sit around. I believe it's not fair if someone, in my position, keeps such a high number of endorsements and does nothing. You could say there are more ways of contributing to the region. Yes, there are. And while I was part of the NPA, and acted as Gameside Advocate, there's not much you can say about my political activity here, beyond my WA votes, my work in the Executive Staff, and engagement in the Regional Assembly (something I do wish to increase as well). Joining the SC is just the beginning of something for me. I do intend to eventually be part of a cabinet or more, if any future Delegate or Minister desire to put their faith in me. Some time ago, Vice-Delegate Kasto asked me to be a Gameside Advocate. At that time, I thanked him for the offer, but respectfully declined. I told him that, and I quote, "To be GA (or anything really) you have to be committed to it and sure that you can properly do it, otherwise it wouldn't be fair for the ones who trusted you with the job." I believe he can confirm this, should you ask for it.

That's my level of commitment. That's what people can expect from me, and no less. Allow me to define this with a strange sentence, but I'm faithfull to this region as I am to my wife. My love and affection for this place, a place I always want to see thriving, where people feel good in this game, at ease, an imaginary place in some online game where we can have fun. Everyone contributing, from your average RMBer to the Delegate and the SC, is worth of my praise and my thanks. And I feel that, to me, the SC is a great place for this beginning, and would be extremely honoured if my fellow region mates judge me worth of their trust to join such body.

Concerning the activity of the Council on the RMB, the AMAs were a good way of engagement. I believe those who don't dwell that much in the offsite forums and on Discord, should also get the chance of knowing the group of people who is "looking behind the curtain". I believe we should do that more often, not only with the SCers, but with everyone willing to take part on it. SCers should be more visible on the RMB. It doesn't mean they have to post there everyday. We all have lives beyond this game. But the RMB is also part of the region. In fact, it's the original message board. We shouldn't disregard it. Why not having a SCer posting a topic to start a friendly discussion? Or a fun fact? Or something ridiculous and interesting at same time? Or simply saying hello and ask how's everyone? Small things that go a long way. In order to be receptive to something, people need to know more about that something, or at least have curiosity about that something first. I intend to be that kind of SCer.

Finally, we can have years of knowledge and experience in this game, and still feel like there's much to learn, if you have that interest. My goal is to give advice in the best way possible, making use of my experience, together with the other SCers, and be as most impartial as possible. If I ever feel I can't, in good faith, give advice concerning someone (or some matter) without feeling conflicted, I won't do it. If I feel I need more information in order to properly advise, I will seek it and then make my judgement. You can't really expect less, because like I said above, it wouldn't be fair for the ones who trusted you with the job. And I wouldn't deserve such position.
I think Zyvet asked what I would ask.

Barring anything unsatisfactory though, I intend to vote Aye.
Please, feel free to ask anything else you might feel relevant to your decision.

Other than that, I thank you for your confidence.
Eww, I don’t want cat poop in the SC chambers…

I like the nomination. I intend to vote Aye.
I'm sorry, but if you folks choose to put me there, you will have cat poop in the SC chambers. You will have poop everywhere.

I also thank your for your support.
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How should the SC react if the Vice Delegate goes rogue?
Assuming the VD doesn't overtake the Delegate in endorsement numbers, the main priority should be alerting the Delegate to remove any regional privileges from the rogue individual, and also work with the Delegate to stabilise the region and assess potential damages. The VD doesn't have border control, so any immediate effects could be easily contained. An acting Vice-Delegate would be chosen, possibly one of the available SCers at the moment. The NPA would also be alerted, naturally, and instructed to endorse the acting Vice-Delegate. In fact, the NPA also has a contigency plan for these situations.
Support! You mention that you're interested in eventually pursuing other government positions while on the SC if the opportunity presents itself- what areas of the government interest you and how would that resonate with your SC membership?

From time to time, the SC proposes rearranging the line of succession. How do you believe people's LoS placement should be determined, and how frequently do you think it should be done?
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Ok, is there gonna be voting tho?
When we are done asking questions, and the motions are made.

Anyways, for the nominee:
What does the Security Council mean to you?
Previously, there was a proposal for the membership of the Security Council to be renewed at a fixed interval. How do you think of that proposal?
Support! You mention that you're interested in eventually pursuing other government positions while on the SC if the opportunity presents itself- what areas of the government interest you and how would that resonate with your SC membership?

From time to time, the SC proposes rearranging the line of succession. How do you believe people's LoS placement should be determined, and how frequently do you think it should be done?
Thank you for your support and questions!

In my 19 years of NS, I've done a bit of everything, which in my opinion is good. Trying something else, different from your usual preferences in this game, even if you decide you don't like it, is always a "win-win" situation, because you can add to your "CV" here, and, depending on the level of experience, advise/help others when needed. But if you ask me about preferences, then Home Affairs, Culture and Defence are my top 3, in any order. For example, in TEP, I've been Minister of Immigration, of Culture and Overseeing Officer of the EPSA. The experience I earned while working in these areas allowed me to have good tenures and even teach others, something I always consider to be a personal victory. If you can pass some of your knowledge to others and watch them evolve and being successful, it's always rewarding.

Should I become a Minister while being part of the SC, I'd like to make sure my membership could aid the Ministry, should conditions be favourable for that. Allow me to give a quick but simple example of this: take Culture, for instance. One would be in a privileged position to organise any activity or event that included the SC, as one would be aware of the inner workings of the body, making easier to find a common ground to include the largest number of SCers possible.

Concerning the rearrangement of the line of succession, in accordance with Article 5, Clause 5, of the Constitution of the North Pacific:
The Regional Assembly may establish a line of succession by a majority vote. The line of succession must always include the Vice Delegate and all current Security Council members, and must always place the Vice Delegate first. If a new member is admitted to the Security Council, they will be automatically added at the end of the current line of succession. If a member is removed from the Security Council, they will be automatically removed from the line of succession.
It is my belief the current system is fine. The RA should remain sovereign in most aspects of the region, and the SC shouldn't be an exception. That also applies to the frequency. A rearrangement should be proposed whenever people judge it to be needed.

What does the Security Council mean to you?
Previously, there was a proposal for the membership of the Security Council to be renewed at a fixed interval. How do you think of that proposal?
Thank you for your questions, Freg!

I see it as a prestigious, responsible body that represents not only an important line of defence and security of the region, but is also a great evidence of the trust that a whole region can place in certain individuals. It is the duty of every single SCer to make sure that trust isn't misplaced, and that people were right in choosing them for the task.

Concerning the renewal of the membership at a fixed interval, I would, in theory, be against it. I feel that Chapter 5, Section 5.3 of the Legal Code of the North Pacific, already give us enough flexibility to deal with unusual situations that might involve a SCer, and how to proceed accordingly. Of course, I'd still be open to any new proposal that seeks to regulate this, and even change my stance, providing a common ground can be reached.

I find these answers satisfactory and intend to vote in favor.

I like these answers, I Intend to vote Aye.
I thank you both for your support, but please feel free to ask anything else, should you need.
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What is the extent of your gameplay or security knowledge?
Thank you for your question.

Having been involved in GP for many years, I'd say I have a fair share of knowledge about the Drama Lovefest sometimes complicated workings of relations between regions and R/D sides, to the point I've tried to step away from it, only to fail miserably. I did move away from actively taking part in R/D (for now, since I still have that itch, if you know what I mean) for some reasons, but this doesn't change the fact the things I've done throughout the years, and the connections and friends that I made in several regions, mostly GCRs and a few UCRs part of R/D sphere, did contribute to this knowledge. I can assure you that, should the need arise, that knowledge can, and will be, put to good use, be it in politics or even R/D.

Concerning security... I am fully aware of what needs to be done in order to keep a region safe. When you spend a good deal of time as invader, you learn to identify and explore certain weaknesses that regions might have. You learn how to infiltrate, how to undermine from within, how to explore a crack, or provoke it if needed. When one's sympathies start to shift towards the independent ground, one also learns to value the knowledge of how to prevent such things, spot a potential, or early, threat, and advise action. Or even act on it, if it comes to it. That's how far my security knowledge goes. Think and understand how "the other side" acts, as you once were part of it too. And if I'm allowed to say, there's no better teacher than experience itself.

But I assure you. My care and devotion to this region are genuine, and I also would like others to view it as such. My experience will never be used in any way that might bring any kind of prejudice to this region. If I, at any point, for some misfortune, I'm put at a position in which I involuntarily become a liability to this region, I will be the first to step down and remove myself from any privileged position I might have, even if I'm not at fault, and let justice take its course. In my personal opinion, when a region has given you so much to the point you see it as a home in this game, the safeguard of such place must come first, and when you have certain responsabilities, you cannot discard any means necessary to keep it for sake of others, even at your own expense.
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Silly season in the RA again I see…

Just a quick cursory look back at past SC nominations brought to the RA shows that we have not always had an explicit motion to vote on at this stage, but when we have, it usually comes from the Speaker’s office. So another thing to consider when voting in the election that’s currently ongoing, since this Speaker did not state this motion at any point during this discussion. If the Speaker was the one to motion this to vote, surely the Speaker can explicitly state what the motion is that goes to vote. Must this also be delayed by minutiae?
Alright I’m good with this now. I withdraw my objection(? Can I do such a thing?)

Just wanted to make sure we actually had a motion before we took this to vote.