There Will Be Bloodshed [Semi-Open]


Continued from this post.

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1:17 AM, April 23rd, 2021
Miita, Andrenne

Booms echoed throughout the city of Miita. Granted, at the moment, it was hard to differentiate explosions from thunder in the vicious storm that had enveloped the region. The sound of firefights raging in the streets, however, was easier to pickout.

“How goes it, Saado? How is the Santarmeri getting along?” Elijas spoke into his radio, hearing only static for a few seconds before a scratchy reply came in.

“We’re--” The man on the other line was interrupted by loud shouting. Orders for someone to surrender or be shot. “...We’re making good progress here Grand Field Marshal. I was just watching our men clean up the barracks of the-- One second.” Static. Then the voice returned. “The Santarmeri raided the barracks of the 3rd Royal Rifles here on-- here on uh, Maijnfravag* in Fort Vanning. The officers here tell me they arrested most of them while they were barely awake. The others that had their rifles out front in their guard posts surrendered when we confronted them. No signs of the Knights yet though, Grand Field Marshal.”

“Very good. Keep me posted, Marshal. We’ve got our boys moving towards that area, Marshal Uraaly should be radioing you soon here to fill you in. Glory to Andrenne.”

“Understood Grand Field Marshal. Glory to Andrenne.” Beep!

Elijas was coordinating the entire coup. He had Marshal Uraaly and Marshal Saado here in Miita with him. It should be more than enough to take the city given most of the Royal Army near Miita was on their side to begin with. Still, he was concerned. They knew where the loyalists and Royal Guard units were all posted. Even the Knights of Gvyn. Yet when they had raided their headquarters about ten, they found nothing but empty bunks and armories. That was nearly an hour ago. They were one of the first targets the Royal Army raided. They still hadn’t shown their face. Elijas suspected they were partially responsible for the firefights in the streets. Most Royal Army loyalists had stood down in the face of overwhelming numerical superiority or had been immediately or preemptively arrested. The only forces fighting them were the more militarized units of the Miita Police, government agency security teams, and IKB teams. The Royal Guard, too, had a few skirmishes, but had largely surrendered-- Most of them were more loyal to the Royal Army then the Grand King. Elijas had heard reports that even a few of the pro-authoritarian civilian militias were out in the streets now too. That could always explain it.

He unscrewed his flask of svaka**, took a sip, then lit a cigarette and took a long drag in classical Andrennian fashion. Officers and enlisted men rushed around him in the. This was going to be a long night, but he’d accepted that when they drew up the plans originally. Within a few hours, assuming it all went to plan, they’d be storming Kjellsama Palace and arresting that psychopath that disgraced the title of Grand King before the sun rose. With any luck all of his spineless ministers would be right there with him. Their armored personnel carriers should be more than enough to subdue whatever forces are still trying to stop the Royal Army and the storm overhead kept helicopters out of the air. Except the damned news choppers. Somehow even in the worst conditions they managed to get their stupid helicopters into the air broadcasting the whole thing live across the world. Elijas checked his watch. 1:30 AM. He should be getting another update any minute now…

Beep! A scratchy voice brought his radio to life again.

“Grand Field Marshal, Marshal Saado again.” He picked his radio back up.


“Well the good news is that I’ve got news that we’ve apprehended Siildynen. The bad news is that he’s going to have to be marked as a civilian casualty.”

“Shit. Seriously? Fuck. Alright well-- well certainly he’s not dead right?”

“God no. Just wounded. Current report is that he fired at Royal Army soldiers breaching his office downtown with a pistol so they returned fire, of course. They’re treating him with first aid. He was shot once in the left shoulder and also had lacerations from crawling on broken glass. He’ll probably be fine.”

“Good, we need that little weasel of a man to face trial for being complacent in this regime and supporting the Grand King. We’ll speak again soon. Glory to Andrenne.”

“Of course Grand Field Marshal. Glory to Andrenne.” Beep. Elijas took another sip from his flask. Thunder rolled in for but a moment. A long night indeed. They had a lot more work to do before the sun rose.

*A road in Miita not far from the royal palace of Kjellsama.
**A traditional Andrennian spirit similar to akvavit.
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2:07 AM, April 23rd, 2021
Kjellse, Andrenne
Outskirts of Miita

The glow of a bonfire lit up the grey buildings surrounding the IBK* building. Harsh shouting cut through the rain.

“Go! Go! Hurry up you dumb bastards! Do you want to be put up against a wall and shot?! Hurry up! The Army will be here any minute!”

A red-faced rotund man with a bushy white mustache shouted loud and clear. He took his cap off for a moment to run a hand through what little was left of his hair. He pulled on his ill-fitting IBK issue jacket and straightened his tie below that. Men wearing black ponchos and baseball caps rushed through the rain carrying stacks and stacks of paper. The fire roared. Viljem clutched the Laurenist cross worn around his neck. A deep breath. More shouting.

“Didn’t you hear me?! Put up against a wall and shot! That’s not a joke, they’ll do it! This is the Army we’re talking about, not the local police! This is your only chance at surviving you little shitstains! I’m saving you!”

He pointed a finger harshly at one of the passing agents. “Get more lighter fluid! We can’t let this fucking storm put the fire out!” Thunder continued to boom in the distance. There was something else though— Helicopter blades whirring away.

“Fuck- fuck fuck- fucking fuck-“ Viljem scrambled towards the interior of the building. It’s the fastest he’d moved in years. “I gotta get the fuck out of here-“ He pushed his way past agents, shoving them to the ground towards his office. They’d be here any minute. He could get to his car in time- surely. He just had to take the elevator.

Viljem’s office was still filled with stacks and stacks of papers. He had contingencies- this was fine everything was perfectly fine. The large man practically threw himself to the other side of his desk to open the drawers faster. In one, a 9mm SP-501 pistol. In another, a bottle of high-proof whiskey. He grabbed both, putting the pistol on the desk to open the bottle. He took a good swig for courage, then started throwing the papers onto the floor and drenching them with the finely aged lighter fluid. He poured what was left over his desk, then dropped the bottle to let it shatter.

“Bastards making me waste my good whiskey…”
He muttered angrily, fishing through his pockets for his lighter. A small metal thing with his initials crudely engraved into the otherwise beautiful brushed surface. Smoking was a nasty habit, but it had the perk of always keeping a lighter on his person. He grabbed his pistol and sparked the lighter next to the paper, and the moment it was lit— he bolted to the elevator. He jammed his thumb into the button over and over again, then forced everyone already in there out of the elevator. Down to the parking garage. He was home free, he just had to get to his car. He could maybe drive across the border to Hessunland? No- no they’d expedite him for sure. Goyanes too. Maybe East then, to Severogotia. He could blend in with the Andrennian population there but- no, it was too close to home. Demescia. Demescia, yes, yes Demescia would do nicely. Tropical, far away, still well developed. He could have a nice life there! Ding. The doors slid open and he made a run for it.

There it was! His beautiful car. A 1990 Gothia Aspen. In mostly perfect condition, at least on the outside. Viljem jammed himself into the car. It was a tight fit. He dug through the pockets of his jacket for his car keys.

“Alright baby, I just need you to work well for me one last time- You can’t go overseas with me. You gotta stay here in Andrenne. They’ll auction you off to someone nice I’m sure-“ He rambled on as he missed the ignition three times and finally managed to get the keys in. The car rumbled to life.

“Yes! Yes!” The car reversed from his spot haphazardly and as he pushed the stick into drive he couldn’t help but feel ecstatic. But he wasn’t free just yet. He pulled his phone out, driving and tapping away through his contacts. Speaker phone was on.

“Johan! Johan you beautiful man I need a plane, and I need it ready in thirty minutes or less! I- I know there’s a damn thunderstorm I don’t care I need to get out of this fucking country ASAP— I’ll wire whatever the fuck you need if your plane gets damaged just get the god damn plane ready.” Beep.

As the Aspen picked up speed Viljem shouted for joy. He could see the fire burning in his office in his rearview mirror and an Army helicopter not far now.

“Yeah! Yeah! Fuck you- you- stupid fucking pieces of shit!” He slammed his sweaty hands onto the steering wheel triumphantly, shouting and hollering as he pulled onto the highway. His elation didn’t last though. 10, maybe 15 minutes later he saw it. A roadblock. A military roadblock. They had heavy armor there. He couldn’t run through that. He slammed on the brakes and came to a screeching halt. He could still see the helicopter in his rear view mirror too. In fact, it was coming closer towards him. They weren't going after the building’s staff; they wanted him. Viljem rested his head against his steering wheel. It was over. If they had blocked this route then they’d blocked the others too by now. He had one option left. He pulled his pistol from his holster and exited the car.

“Come on then! You won’t take me alive you-“ As he raised the gun-holding hand a sharp pain struck him. They actually shot him! The gun dropped to the wet tarmac of the highway, as did Viljem, now yelling in pain. A new hole has found a home in his hand. Snipers, of course the Army had snipers, why hadn’t Viljem thought of that?! Now he couldn’t even go out in a blaze of glory. He could see and hear the soldiers approaching from his peripheral vision but now he was just focused on the searing pain and pooling blood coming from his hand.

“Yes, Herra**, it’s Director Eralnyn. No, Herra. He’s injured. He was armed with a Sprekker SP-501, Herra.” Viljem couldn’t hear the responses.

“One of those vintage agency issued ones from the 60s or 70s, like in the movies. You think Marshal Saado would let you keep it, Herra? No, Herra. Yes, Herra. The medic is stabilizing him now, we’ll keep you updated, Herra.”

Viljem continued to struggle in a futile effort to somehow get out of this but it only led to them restraining him so the medic could patch up his hand. His dreams of Demescia had been shattered in an instant. Just like that all of his plans, no, his life was ruined.

*Andrenne’s internal security/intelligence agency.
**Andrennian for “Sir”