GAP for Vice Delegate: Looking to the Future

Greater Ale Permars

RolePlay Moderator
Hello TNP, I'm Greater Ale Permars otherwise known as GAP.

I served as the last Minister of radio and currently am serving as a moderator on the roleplay side of things.

But I won't sit here and talk about my past, let's get down to brass tax and talk about the Future.

Citizenship Checks: Efficiency and Security
After noticing the cluster that was Whole India alongside other incidents my policy as Vice Delegate will be to take the safety of TNP to be my utmost concern. My checks will not only be comprehensive but completely in line with the spirit of bills like the "Reject Fascism" bill. Which seek to defend our region from those that seek to disrupt and harm it. Not to mention I will be thorough, under my watch we will not have citizens who slip through the cracks. I will make sure of that. I also promise to be fair, honest, and consistent. I will not go back on my promises and will work towards making my Vice Delegacy one of great efficiency but also one of great quality.

The World Assembly and Regional Endorsements: Incentivisation and Propagation
As Vice Delegate, I will work hard to incentivize and propagate not only the joining of the World assembly but also the endorsement of regional figures such as the delegate. For far too long we have not provided a decent enough incentive for TNPers to join the World Assembly and get involved with NationStates politics which has led to a decline in activity on this side of gameplay. But! With my election to Vice Delegate, I will begin a massive recruitment campaign, via telegram, forum messages, RMB chat messages, etc... to propagate the need for more members to increase our standing in the WA and I will work with the folks in home affairs to execute this effectively. To incentivize this we will work with the wonderful people in the Ministry of Cards to provide Card incentives to those who seek to join. Alongside this, we will work with the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Media on ways to celebrate new members and to also spread the message. And I will move hell and earth to make this dream a reality.

Security Council Endorsement: The Gains to be had
As previously stated in the section above will make sure to spread the word, via a multitude of methods to increase Security council endorsement numbers. This also ties into my first section about security, to protect The North Pacific from coups, bad actors, and other evils we must make sure that the security council is strong enough in a time of crisis to protect our democracy, our region, and our way of life from our enemies both foreign and domestic. And as Vice Delegate, I will tighten the ship of state's security by strengthening the pillars of our community which are the security council members by implementing a non-intrusive but frequent system of telegrams and dispatches to drive endorsements to the Security Councilers with the fewest endorsements and raise awareness of the WADP program.

A New Dawn:
We have seen in the past the repeated Vice Delegacies of many old-guard TNPers. But I say it is time for a new dawn, I say it is about time we got some new blood into the system. Not the same old guard who have cemented themselves into the system causing it to rust and decay. I am here to shake off the rust. I am running to sweep away the day and bring the TNP Vice Delegacy into the future.
At the moment your endorsement count is fairly low, so it might be a while before you get up to second place in endorsements. When will you start endotarting?
After noticing the cluster that was Whole India alongside other incidents my policy as Vice Delegate will be to take the safety of TNP to be my utmost concern. My checks will not only be comprehensive but completely in line with the spirit of bills like the "Reject Fascism" bill. Which seek to defend our region from those that seek to disrupt and harm it. Not to mention I will be thorough, under my watch we will not have citizens who slip through the cracks.
Has the incumbent VD not been doing this?

As Vice Delegate, I will work hard to incentivize and propagate not only the joining of the World assembly but also the endorsement of regional figures such as the delegate. For far too long we have not provided a decent enough incentive for TNPers to join the World Assembly and get involved with NationStates politics which has led to a decline in activity on this side of gameplay.
Our WADP is the most comprehensive program of its kind in the game's history. What specific parts are deficient? How do you know there's a decline? What specifically is declining?

With my election to Vice Delegate, I will begin a massive recruitment campaign, via telegram, forum messages, RMB chat messages, etc... to propagate the need for more members to increase our standing in the WA and I will work with the folks in home affairs to execute this effectively. To incentivize this we will work with the wonderful people in the Ministry of Cards to provide Card incentives to those who seek to join. Alongside this, we will work with the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Media on ways to celebrate new members and to also spread the message. And I will move hell and earth to make this dream a reality.
The WADP already does this with no HA involvement. It has plenty of card incentives too. What specific "ways to celebrate new members and to also spread the message" are you considering?

We have seen in the past the repeated Vice Delegacies of many old-guard TNPers. But I say it is time for a new dawn, I say it is about time we got some new blood into the system. Not the same old guard who have cemented themselves into the system causing it to rust and decay.
How has the system been rusting and decaying?

As an aside, Kasto was a pretty new player when he got elected, as was I. I was only in the region for a few months before joining the SC.

As previously stated in the section above will make sure to spread the word, via a multitude of methods to increase Security council endorsement numbers. This also ties into my first section about security, to protect The North Pacific from coups, bad actors, and other evils we must make sure that the security council is strong enough in a time of crisis to protect our democracy, our region, and our way of life from our enemies both foreign and domestic.
Is the SC currently not strong enough to protect the region? Basing your campaign around this stuff and talking about "rust and decay" implies that you think your opponent, the incumbent VD, has been deficient in these areas. Has he?

And as Vice Delegate, I will tighten the ship of state's security by strengthening the pillars of our community which are the security council members by implementing a non-intrusive but frequent system of telegrams and dispatches to drive endorsements to the Security Councilers with the fewest endorsements and raise awareness of the WADP program.
We have that. They're dispatches accompanied by TGs.
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Why should the citizens of TNP elect you over any other candidate? Do you have anything that makes you stand out from anyone else?
I firmly believe that we need a renewal of the spirit of the Vice Delegacy and I think that I can best provide that over my opponents. I also am sure that under my Vice Delegacy I will be able to rejuvenate and thoroughly boost the effectiveness of the Vice Delegacy alongside taking a more active role in the governing and defense of TNP. @Chipoli
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Has the incumbent VD not been doing this?

Our WADP is the most comprehensive program of its kind in the game's history. What specific parts are deficient? How do you know there's a decline? What specifically is declining?

The WADP already does this with no HA involvement. It has plenty of card incentives too. What specific "ways to celebrate new members and to also spread the message" are you considering?

How has the system been rusting and decaying?

As an aside, Kasto was a pretty new player when he got elected, as was I. I was only in the region for a few months before joining the SC.

Is the SC currently not strong enough to protect the region? Basing your campaign around this stuff and talking about "rust and decay" implies that you think your opponent, the incumbent VD, has been deficient in these areas. Has he?

We have that. They're dispatches accompanied by TGs.
I will address you point by point.

1. The current VD although performing his duties in an adequate manner, but the VD should be much more zealous in his duties and be much more than just being adequate.

2&3. As I said earlier, it is a lack of promotion and growth that is currently the biggest issue regarding the WADP. This is despite earlier and honestly lacking efforts to promote it. As the former Minister for Radio, I know the value of promotion and understand how important it is when trying to get your message across to thousands of people. And you ask how I know it's declining, ask any average TNPer outside of the discord what the WADP is a significant amount of the time will not be able to tell you which is a big problem. Now you also ask how will we incentivize and celebrate these members, well I plan to work with the ministry of culture, the ministry of home affairs, and possibly even the ministry of media to plan events to gather awareness and alongside that escalate and increase the incentives given by cards by making them larger and more attractive to those who are looking to join. I would also mention how valuable working with the ministries of government is. As nothing gets done without teamwork which is something we should value and bring to the WADP.

4&5. The system has seen very little life and very little energy put into by previous Vice Delegates, with people taking it less seriously than it should be and becoming entrenched in the old way of thinking despite being newer members. And because of this, they haven't tried to innovate, they've made middling attempts to improve and have overall been nothing but stale.

6. I believe he has, but he is not alone in the blame. This has been a reoccurring thing for the past few Vice Delegates and as a TNPer who understands the problems, we face I think he has not done a sufficient job in fixing them and only follows a trend that leads to these problems festering and getting worse.

7. Finally although we have similar things in place I will draw back to earlier as a large amount of TNPers are left uninformed due to infrequency, being un-interested, and or being confused.
do you have an extremely specific "main goal", when I ran, it was job security and increasing interaction, followed by your policies on other items
this is like the vaguest campaign i have ever seen - (which incidentally might make you more qualified for this position) but in all seriousness im not really familiar with what you bring to the table, so how would you be able to apply whatever past experiences you have in this region to be a better VD than our current one, who from what ive seen has done a fairly solid job? like what would you specifically do to correct these perceived shortcomings that you see in the current operations of the Security Council
Tell me where the past VDs went wrong and what they should have done differently. What things could Kasto, Cretox, Dreadton, or Artemis have done that would have avoided the issues you say are plaguing the office? Also could you give me some specifics about how you will do these forward thinking things?

There’s a lot to this office. Could you give me your best understanding of how the WADP works? Could you tell me what you know about SC vote procedure? Could you give me an idea of what things you would look for when doing a security check? What’s your idea for how to handle the VD reports - not a requirement but a custom of the office?

What if the delegate has to resign suddenly and you’re acting delegate? Do you think this is something you would be able to do, and if so, how would you go about it?

Why did you decide to try for this office now, especially when you were lacking the endorsements? If elected how would you balance this with your RP participation and duties? You’re an infrequent face outside RP since you left government. Are you concerned you may have trouble doing double duty? Would you make an effort to post more on the RMB?

I hope you don’t think I’m grilling you too hard, but I need you and everyone else to be reminded that Vice Delegate is a serious role and has a lot more technical and unglamorous work to it. It’s not an entryway to elected office in TNP, it’s not a fun pastime. There’s a reason few people run for it, and why no one before Kasto was crazy enough to seek a third consecutive term to it. If you do want to give this a try, and win or lose consider it something you want to pursue in the future, please give some thought to these questions and topics. And consider that your approach, while fair game with politics and competition, could also be a bit insulting to the people who did this job before you, many of whom you would need to work with as chair of the SC in the event you won.

The SC is a body that relies a lot on congeniality and respect, and as a non-SC VD you would be a guest in that house. Maybe you end up becoming a resident someday but you would be by definition just visiting. To do your job well you have to know who you’re working with and be respectful of their traditions and their ways. You’d expect the same of anyone wanting to get super involved in RP.
The system has seen very little life and very little energy put into by previous Vice Delegates
I believe he has, but he is not alone in the blame. This has been a reoccurring thing for the past few Vice Delegates and as a TNPer who understands the problems, we face I think he has not done a sufficient job in fixing them and only follows a trend that leads to these problems festering and getting worse.
If you're going to insist that past VDs (many of whom are current SCers you'll need to work with every day should you get elected) have been slacking off, not taking their position seriously, and doing their jobs wrong, then continuously double down on that, you'd better be able to back it up with concrete evidence and specific plans to fix things. Not vague pontification about being "more zealous" and "promotion" through unspecific "events" and "teamwork." Not by claiming that many "average TNPer"s agree with you. Rather than pointing out specific issues with the current system and giving specific examples of things you'll do to fix those issues, you keep saying that past officeholders themselves have been doing things horribly wrong and that you know better than them despite being new to this by your own admission without giving any details to support such a bold claim. As one of those past officeholders, this is more than a bit insulting. I can't support this.
I support
I will address you point by point.

1. The current VD although performing his duties in an adequate manner, but the VD should be much more zealous in his duties and be much more than just being adequate.

2&3. As I said earlier, it is a lack of promotion and growth that is currently the biggest issue regarding the WADP. This is despite earlier and honestly lacking efforts to promote it. As the former Minister for Radio, I know the value of promotion and understand how important it is when trying to get your message across to thousands of people. And you ask how I know it's declining, ask any average TNPer outside of the discord what the WADP is a significant amount of the time will not be able to tell you which is a big problem. Now you also ask how will we incentivize and celebrate these members, well I plan to work with the ministry of culture, the ministry of home affairs, and possibly even the ministry of media to plan events to gather awareness and alongside that escalate and increase the incentives given by cards by making them larger and more attractive to those who are looking to join. I would also mention how valuable working with the ministries of government is. As nothing gets done without teamwork which is something we should value and bring to the WADP.

4&5. The system has seen very little life and very little energy put into by previous Vice Delegates, with people taking it less seriously than it should be and becoming entrenched in the old way of thinking despite being newer members. And because of this, they haven't tried to innovate, they've made middling attempts to improve and have overall been nothing but stale.

6. I believe he has, but he is not alone in the blame. This has been a reoccurring thing for the past few Vice Delegates and as a TNPer who understands the problems, we face I think he has not done a sufficient job in fixing them and only follows a trend that leads to these problems festering and getting worse.

7. Finally although we have similar things in place I will draw back to earlier as a large amount of TNPers are left uninformed due to infrequency, being un-interested, and or being confused.
how do you plan to fix these things?
Never mind. I am a bit concerned that your experience and background is more suited to another role rather than as Vice Delegate. Another Minister role perhaps? As you don't really have a background in WA matters which is really the only thing I care about in NS and the part where the Vice Delegate.
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