[SC - PASSED] Commend Electrum

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Winter Kingdom
TNP Nation
Boston Castle

Commend Electrum
Category: Commendation | Target: Electrum
Proposed by: Hulldom | Onsite Topic

The Security Council,

Recognizing that many nations "kick butt" and that some such nations are worthy of our unalloyed praise, such as Electrum;

Praising the triumphs of collaboration of Electrum’s sporting administrators and historians over the years, something notable through their leadership of a variety of multiversal sporting federations including tennis, wherein they revived the series of tournaments known as the NationStates Tennis Tour, and ensured that international sporting history was collated and preserved for interested parties and for the sake of posterity;

Cheering the victories of Electrumite athletes in a variety of sports, most notably in:
  • World Cup 78, wherein the Electrumite national football team beat the team from Eura 3-1, an impressive historical feat for Electrumite football made possible through the hard work, sweat, and tears of Electrum’s captain Tyler Fernando and coach Jeffrey Clark,
  • The NationStates Tennis Tour, a series of tournaments whose doubles competitions were dominated by the pair of Sonya Gredello and Rosa Levinsky (known popularly by their nickname Ronya), Electrumite athletes who inspired the universe through their domination of Olympic tennis, the Grand Slams, and season-ending competition, and
  • The various sports that fall under the Olympics umbrella, as Electrumite athletes excelled in their disciplines and allowed their nation a point of pride in winning over six hundred medals over fifteen Games including the 10th Olympiad that Electrum co-hosted with Ceni and the 11th, 12th, and 13th Winter Olympiads that Electrum hosted by themself;
Acclaiming the impacts of Electrumite journalism, specifically in the fields of sports journalism -- where the Centralis Herald provides continuous coverage of all manner of activities on and off the pitch -- and news coverage, where the satirical newspaper The Turnip and their reporter Billiam Maskey keep audiences “informed” and bemused by their hatred of root vegetables not of the turnip variety;

Appreciating the contributions of Electrum's exceptionally talented programmers and graphic designers, collaborating with their colleagues in The Grearish Union to provide video games for the denizens of the multiverse to enjoy via the gaming company and storefront Dream Games;

Applauding the campy artistic talent of Electrumite recording artists, something evident through their top finishes in various WorldVision competitions including 1st place in the competition's 49th edition with an entry by Michael Street, 2nd place in the 50th edition, and 3rd place a further four times, including in their debut appearance in WorldVision’s 35th edition with an entry by Eliza Nord;

Complimenting the slightly mischievous antics of Electrumite singer and athlete Gertrude Pullman who, among other achievements, performed at 24 editions of the WorldVision competition representing the Diplomatic Offices of Electrum while also finding time to develop sharp table tennis skills, winning 3 Olympic medals in the discipline;

Appraising that another jewel in the crown of Electrum’s accomplishments is the variety of problems Electrum's leaders have demonstrated to leaders of the other nations who erred in their previous decisions, compiling these issues in carefully prepared dossiers such as:
  • Dossier #1352 “The Brains Behind Kuru”, a dossier which pointed out the problems inherent in allowing any species of the multiverse to eat their own, something that led to an outbreak of a rare disease in affected states, and
  • Dossier #1353 “The Birds and The Plan Bs”, which investigated the natalist policies of nations that restricted access to a form of reproductive health care;
Applauding the perhaps lesser known contributions of the Electrumite World Assembly Delegation to recognizing their fellow nations who excelled, and continue to excel, in the realm of international athletics such as:
  • SC #306: “Commend Audioslavia”, a missive that celebrated Audisolavia for their stunning dominance of international football and auto racing competitions and leadership of the same sporting communities, and
  • SC #321: “Commend Valanora”, co-authored with Francois isidore, a resolution that honored Valanora for their sporting achievements, primarily in football and hockey contests;
Prizing the glittering achievements of this grand nation and hoping that through this alchemy we too can "kick butt" and strike a vein of gold comparable to theirs;

Hereby Commends Electrum.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!


"Commend Electrum" has passed 13,983 votes (90.7%) to 1,438 (9.3%).
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This proposal seeks to commend Electrum for their strong accomplishments and enthusiastic participation in a variety of communities within NationStates. Specifically, the author highlights their commitments to excellence in sports RP, to international culture as seen through WorldVision and Dream Games), Issues writing, and their contributions to recognizing fellow sports RPers in the Security Council.

This nominee is one of a small handful of players who have made their mark across a variety of different interest areas on NS during their time in the multiverse. The world of sports RP has been taken to a level of distinct prominence in recent times, largely because of its identification of Electrum, and other global luminaries with it. The world of Issues has undoubtedly benefitted from the work of Electrum, as has the Security Council in lauding the nominees Electrum has--nominees that might otherwise have been overlooked. With such an impact, it is hard not to characterize Electrum as anything other than commendable.

For the above reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For the Security Council Resolution at vote, "Commend Electrum".

Our Voting Recommendation Dispatch--Please Upvote!
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What I look for in a SC commendation is the lack of/absence of general errors, good writing (including convincing points and usage formal tone and evidence), and the usage of a target nation who’s actions have positively impacted nations in a majority of the NS multiverse, not just one region.

This resolution clearly fits the bill. For example, the target nation has participated in worldwide athletic events, written some successful SC commendations, and the authorship of dossiers.
This proposal has achieved the requisite approvals to enter the formal queue and will proceed to a vote in approximately 42 minutes at Minor Update.
"Commend Electrum" has passed 13,983 votes (90.7%) to 1,438 (9.3%). This is author Hulldom's 6th Security Council Resolution authored.
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