Repeal: Condemn Reventus Koth
Category: Repeal | Target: SC#225
Proposed by: Pallaith, Co-authored by: Cretox State and Refuge Isle | Onsite Topic
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.Security Council Resolution #225 “Condemn Reventus Koth” shall be struck out and rendered null and void.
The Security Council,
Reaffirming this chamber’s opposition to malefactors that subvert the multiverse’s sovereign governments, its unwavering support for the suffering natives dislodged from their homes, and its condemnation of region-wide destruction at the hands of the world’s worst villains,
Actualizing this conviction by correcting the record as it relates to SC 225, which makes an inconsiderable case attesting Reventus Koth to be one of the worst perpetrators of malicious acts and subterfuge,
Unconvinced by the target resolution's reliance on The Black Hawks's past censure from the Security Council as justification for the nominee's own condemnation, as it neglects to provide any examples of influence or impact the nation had on The Black Hawks’ operation beyond merely holding a title and unspecified wizardry,
Unimpressed by the target resolution highlighting Reventus Koth’s control of The Brotherhood of Malice's founder nation, despite neither mentioning nor demonstrating what specific role the nation had in that military's operations, with the scant details provided referencing only the collective actions carried out by the organization as a whole,
Disregarding SC 225's references to The Black Riders, an organization no longer permitted to occupy the planes of reality, which only pertain to the office and awards that Reventus Koth held in the group, lacking testimony of any feat accomplished outside a vague mention of "their efforts in Operation Typhoon,"
Puzzled by the target's insistence that the nominee's act of regime change in Osiris is somehow worthy of condemnation due to being "influenced by the Brotherhood of Malice," when the nominee’s development efforts laid the groundwork for subsequent leaders to form the modern day Osiris government, which is accepted by the regional community, considered legitimate by the world at large, and operates as would any other regional government,
Asserting that the nominee’s service as Pharaoh of Osiris is similarly not condemnable, as the nominee is recognized as a legitimate part of the region’s community and there is no serious claim among its natives that its service in that role was an aberration or a blight on that region’s history or culture,
Disputing the notion that co-founding Osiris' regional military, the Sekhmet Legion, is condemnable, as the organization lacks the extensive record of vile and destructive deeds that earned other militaries their condemnations by this body, and primarily serves the region of Osiris,
Dismissing the resolution's claim of “incorporating older raider methods into present-day teaching and operations," provided without elaboration, implying the nominee recycled techniques developed by other nations and relied on other nations to carry them out, rather than present acts of malfeasance from the target’s own hands,
Refusing to bestow infamy on any nation on the basis of association with notorious organizations alone, especially when no compelling case has been made for why that particular nation's misdeeds played any significant part in those organizations' condemnable behavior, and
Unwavering in its conviction that only those who truly stain the world with their wickedness ought to be so remembered,
Hereby repeals SC 225 "Condemn Reventus Koth".
Co-authors: Cretox State, Refuge Isle
Voting Instructions:
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
For | Against | Abstain | Present |
17 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
"Repeal: 'Condemn Reventus Koth'" passed 12,094 votes (78.4%) to 3,332 (21.6%).
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