[SC - PASSED] Commend Cretox State

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Winter Kingdom
TNP Nation
Boston Castle

Commend Cretox State
Category: Commendation | Target: Cretox State
Proposed by: Hulldom, Co-authored by: Varanius | Onsite Topic

The Security Council,

Believing in the admirability of nations specializing in the promotion and administration of the overwhelming bureaucratic morass drowning the World Assembly;

Appraising too that national leaders require careful foresight in their management of matters of national importance;

Noticing that among those nations responsible for the bloat of multiversal governance and identification of said matters of national importance, but as yet unrecognized for it, is Cretox State, commonly known as Cretox;

Recognizing that Cretox's estimable career took off in The North Pacific's Ministry of World Assembly Affairs where they revitalized the Ministry through the creation of new tasks and templates for employees of the Ministry, invested their time into training fellow bureaucrats such as Greater Cesnica and Westinor, and routinized day-to-day tasks to allow for future Ministers to focus on larger projects;

Bewildered by Cretox’s commitment to multiversal law through their authorship of eleven General Assembly resolutions, many of which promoted good-faith efforts at conflict resolution between employers and employees, such as:
Appreciative of their efforts to recognize Sierra Lyricalia via SCR #331, highlighting that nation’s leadership of their home of Anarchy, their commitment to promoting international harmony over the key policies of recycling and counterfeiting in the General Assembly, and their presentation of dossiers that helped multiversal leaders to understand nationally pertinent issues;

Acknowledging Cretox’s identification of existential crises as crucial work that benefits national leaders greatly, allowing them to make important decisions for their citizenry and forcing them to compromise things including their values by solving complex quandaries such as:
  • Existential Crisis #1433 “Green Thumbs Sore”, wherein environmentalists based in Cretox State decried to national leaders that nefarious businesses were engaging in bad-faith environmentalism, promoting products that were less environmentally friendly than advertised,
  • Existential Crisis #1490 “Leader Wins Massive Victory!”, in which Great Big Orange Leader and their election officials identified the problem of rampant election fraud by opposition politicians in nations throughout the multiverse, and
  • Existential Crisis #1491 “Press Gang”, a crisis which allowed national leaders discretion on how thoroughly the media retained their check on the government;
Admiring too their commitment to recognizing those that terrify national leaders by highlighting the various predicaments that members of the multiverse face through such resolutions as:
  • SCR#318 "Commend Nuremgard", that recognized a nation most prominent for revealing the dilemmas inherent with monarchy, including succession crises; and rearranging the composition of national revenues by uncovering issues with national labor policies and tax schemes, and
  • SCR #333 “Condemn The Free Joy State”, where they exposed a villainous nation notorious for highlighting malicious and corrupt bureaucrats in member states and implementing policies that brutalize their citizens;
Trusting that their unwavering commitment to promote bureaucracy, keeping national leaders on their toes and thinking about the crises facing them, and recognizing those doing the same as them will not waver;

Hereby Commends Cretox State.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!


"Commend Cretox State" passed 13,811 votes (82.1%) to 3,011 (17.9%).
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This proposal seeks to commend Cretox State for, among other things, their writing of Issues and recognizing those that do, and their work to enhance multiversal bureaucracy through the General Assembly and their dedicated work to the North Pacific's Ministry of World Assembly Affairs. The authors utilize language that evokes the character Cretox plays with their stated intent being a "bad-faith commend".

We heartily support this Commendation. Some may think it is because this nominee is simply a region-mate and friend to many of us, but digging a bit deeper, their contributions to the game have been monumental. Their prolific writing earned them a place in the General Assembly's record books as one of the top writers of resolutions scarcely a year into their work there. Their continual writing of Issues had them be named an onsite contest winner. Cretox's work in the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recognized a swift overhaul of the Ministry's practices, molding them into a malleable set that largely still exists to its day. While some may quibble with the language used, we think it encapsulates Cretox like any recognition by the Security Council of them ought to--which is to say: it does well to appreciate a truly one-of-a-kind player.

For the above reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For the Security Council Resolution at vote, "Commend Cretox State".

Our Voting Recommendation Dispatch--Please Upvote!
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Everyone is in such a rush these days. Looking forward to the repeal/replace we’ll do at the point where we should have waited to do this commendation.

Apparently the @@LEADER@@ macro is illegal. Have fixed it in the forum thread. Just going to get confirmation it's legal before I resubmit, hopefully tomorrow.
This proposal has received the necessary approvals to enter the formal queue. Barring it being withdrawn or marked illegal, this will proceed to a vote at Monday's Minor Update.
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