[Inaius] An Aspiring Nation (Nvyirsk RP)

Articles Of Federation Of The United Nvyirskan Planets

In the year of 2514, we the United planets of Nvyirsk, and the stars around us, form a Federation for the advancement of our civilization.

Nvyirsk hereby establishes itself as independent, a united territory governed by an establishment organized by the people of Nvyirsk.

Such establishment is the Chancellor and the Representative Chambers of Nvyirsk. The Chancellor will handle duties related to foreign relations, military, and administration of trade (if there ever is trade). The Chancellor has his own office in the Administrative Hall on the capital planet of Kynirbsk. The Representative Chambers are housed on the 5th level of the administrative hall. The Representative Chambers have the duty of levying laws, taxes, government projects, and regulating immigration. The Representative Chambers have 139 members to represent the people of Nvyirsk. The odd number prevents a "tie" in votes, deciding the vote without further measures.

Nvyirsk and it's 12 planets furthermore will be known as Nvyirsk, or acceptably the U.N.F.
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Date: 2954

Topic: UNF Sanctioned Cargo Vessel Type 1

The Type 1 (CV) is a 350-foot-long vessel made for the transport of resources like coal, rock, brick, etc. This CV has a crew of 50 men, carrying up to 500 tons of material. The CV Type 1 has 2 of the PE-7 engines at either side of the rear end. The Type 1 also has 2 of the smaller PE/S-1 engines in the center-rear. In all this ship has a top speed of 30,000 kmh (approx. 18,000 mph) outside of planetary atmosphere. However, due to drag and gravity, the ship is only capable of 120 mph in atmosphere and restrictions limit it to 80 mph above 5,000 feet. All ships are required to reduce speed to 60 mph below 5,000 feet and 30 mph below 1,000 feet. The ship's bridge has multiple stations in which navigational equipment is housed, communications equipment is stored, and the speed and directional controls are housed. The crew have 25 cabins, with 2 beds per cabin, the crew also gets 4 bathrooms across the ship, and 2 showers. The Type 1 has a capacity of food and water to last 3 months at a time. The Type 1 has enough fuel to travel 955,420 miles. The CV Type 1 is operated by the government of the U.N.F. and is not sold to private companies.

CV Type 1
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Date: 2954

Topic: Capital Planet Of Kynirbsk

The capital planet has been inhabited for thousands of year, with only the most recent 700 years being a human populace. Before the humans occupied Kynirbsk, the indigenous Hanari species lived on the planet. The species of aliens was bipedal and had 6 eyes on grown adults. The species on average was 8 feet tall, but according to some soldiers' records there were Hanari that were up to 10 feet tall.

When humans first arrived, the Hanari we're at first peaceful. However, the humans soon started to drive the Hanari out of their settlements (they lived in the forests across the planet as well as next to the 5 large rivers that span the planet). In response the Hanari began to raid human colonies and burn them down. The humans would go on to form the CDA to defend the colonies. The CDA and Hanari would fight intensely over the planet. The CDA would take over 200,000 possess in the first 3 years, but the colonies had one fail safe they had brought from Earth. In 2245 the CDA deployed a 40 megaton nuclear bomb on the largest known Hanari settlement. Following the detonation, the CDA launched an offensive to take advantage of the Hanari weakened state. The CDA would mass murder women and children of the Hanari, and enslave the men. Soon the CDA would take over the entirety of the planet and eventually, build the multilevel city the planet is today (oh great, that ideas already taken. Eh, whatevs). The main architect of the city was Hubert Grinovichii, who would use architecture from the 1890s to 1920s as inspiration for the city's style and setup. Since then major dockyards have been built. The planet gets power from the many fans that occupy the 5 great rivers across the planet. One of the main features of the planet is the massive Super-Highway built to connect all of the sectors of the city. Today the city serves as the administrative capital of Nvyirsk and a hub for ship production and trade between Nvyirsk planets.
Date: 2954

Topic: Termination Of The CDA/ Organization Of The NDF

The CDA has served Nvyirsk since 2241. At the time it was a small force organized to defend against raids from Hanari warbands. Now, the CDA has grown slightly, but ultimately it has only served as a police force for the past 400 years. Nvyirsk at the time consisted of only the planet Kynirbsk. Once the CDA began to invade other planets, the government would expand with it. Eventually, Nvyirsk would include 12 planets, and the CDA would begin to devolve from a military, to a militia.

Nvyirsk has been at peace for a very long time, however, the need for a standing military has come to attention among representatives. Therefore, the development of a new military has been approved. This military will be focused on preventing enemies from landing on planets. Instead, the new NDF will possess a Navy, Marines, and operate ground bases and planetary defenses to help in these efforts. The NDF also will be given multiple dockyards across planets, and factories to manufacture equipment, ships, and weapons. The NDF will be under control of the Chancellor in power. However, the Chancellor may not use any excess powers to use the military in anti-partisan actions on core Nvyirsk planets. The NDF will begin operation immediately upon completion of this document.
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Date: 2734

Topic: Archer Class Cruiser

The Archer Class Cruiser is the first official vessel employed by the Nvyirsk Federation. The Archer Class is 0.8 miles long, and at it's widest, 0.5 miles long. The Archer Class has one main purpose, to engage in anti-ship warfare in support of transport craft. The ship contains 150 rooms, with 80 as crew cabins, 20 as ammo storage, and 50 for technical, logistical, and administrative purposes. The ship's purpose requires many cannons, to suit these needs, the Archer possesses 10 turrets. For each turret, there are 3 guns. The guns on the Archer are of the Type 3 variant, being 180mm in Bore, firing a conventional shell. The shell is the CHO-A shell, which is meant to explode upon impact. There are two types of shell, the CHO-A, and CHO-P. The CHO-P is the armor piercing variant. The CHO-P is meant to penetrate a ship hull, creating a vacuum, or, damage equipment and weapons.

The Archer has 4 engines, all of which are the XSF-11 engines, the most powerful industrial engine in Nvyirsk. The Archer has a max speed of 25,000 mph, however, it must follow atmospheric shipping laws.

The Archer Class has a burger viewing most of the weapons deck. The bridge has communications equipment, navigational equipment, and stores log books.

The Archer Class has 20 inches of armor on the weapons deck (top section past the bridge). The hull (middle and bottom) has 17 inches of armor. The engines have 11 inches of armor but in some places (like the exhaust) they have no armor. The bridge has 18 inches of armor.

Update: 2954

The Archer Class has continued to serve for 180 years. Since it's debut it has helped keep shipping traffic safe, and help to maintain control over planets in Nvyirsk. The Archer class has received upgrades like armor for the engine exhaust, upgraded communication equipment, and 210mm guns. The 210mm guns have an effective range of 25.2 miles (I know that in space technically there is no limit but to not be OP, I am putting a limit on them).

Archer Class
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Date: 2742

Topic: NZ-61 Fighter

The NZ-61 SFC (Space Fighter Craft) is a small vessel designed and built for the purpose of protecting planets in interception missions against enemy vessels. These SFC are fast, small, and maneuverable, which is perfect for intercepting bombers and staying in defensive blind spots.

The NZ-61 is 60 feet in length, with it's widest point being 45 feet wide. The craft is fitted with 2, XR-11 light plasma cannons. These cannons have a bore of 80mm and a range of 3 miles (although inaccurate). The craft has a smaller rear facing turret (retracts into hull) which has two SXR-3 cannons of 20mm as a defense against other small craft tailing the NZ-61.

The NZ-61 uses 3 systems to help defend itself. The first system is the CX-008 radar, this radar has a range of 30 miles and allows the NZ-61 to detect enemies early. The second system is the ECL, a system designed to help absorb plasma weapons and to partially block them. The third system is the EMPAW, an area weapon that deploys a small EMP to disable enemy electronic systems. The EMPAW has a range of 0.5 miles.

The max speed of the NZ-61 is 270 mph. The NZ-61 uses two of the AVPS-A engines. The engines create a vacuum which pulls air into the intake, which is controlled by electric motors to open or close/tighten the intake. Based on how large the intake is, the air will be pushed out the exhaust with immense pressure, propelling the craft. The intake may be completely closed, however, if performed during flight, the electric motors must use the emergency start function to begin the vacuum process again.

The NZ-61 has a frontal armor of 5 inches. The rest of the aircraft has 4 inches of armor.

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