
The ancient vampire rifled through his reports. A series of assaults led by promising up-and-coming assassins such as Thorn and Scottie were certainly worth catching up on. His fingers danced through the pages before his eye caught a notice from The Night Father himself: "REGARDING THE NORTH PACIFIC". His heart sank. Knowing the man's style, this could only mean that our FA talks hadn't born fruit. He pulled out the notice and quickly read through the news. Even after the weeks of deep discussion, going over exactly what would be needed to begin even the most bare-bones of relations, in the end they refused to even open a forum embassy.
He leaned back in his chair. TNP's press report clarifying their alignment position in excruciating detail was still fresh in the minds of his assassins. The message was clear: they'd be exploring defenderdom more seriously and leaving raiders behind for the time being. Mistakes made by our good friends in recent memory had set their ball in motion, but The Night Father reasoned that we had nothing to do with that, that maybe the door was still open for us. Now, though, there was no doubt: The North Pacific was done talking, and their detaggers had already been undoing the work of our assassins.
The old vampire king crumpled the notice in his hands. It was time to bring this back to where it all began. This time, on purpose. If TNP refused to give us any single reason to play nice, then it was time to call up the boys. Stargate would not be difficult to hit, as they had not listened to his advice about securing the region after the events of December. In the end, all it took was a few minutes out of the old boys' night, and the game once again would change. Who knows if the Stargate they destroyed will be built back and protected properly, but the message is clear: their treaty with The North Pacific won't save them anymore. But a treaty with The Brotherhood of Malice? If I were you, I'd keep your eyes peeled.

Stargate's Stormers
The Brothers Venico and Koth II
Shadowmaster Raxion
Shadowmaster Malicious Souls
Assassin Klaus Devestatorie