dawn and sun set


In the beautiful castle of indonam a man in white cloth running toward the king office with a happy face. Meet vida de boutearen or called vida. This is his first time to be the king after his father death. He go to his father office which is now his office and ready everything to finished some issue in his kingdom. Suddenly he heard a voice:
- tu oublies ton petit déjeuner vida!
(you forget your breakfast vida!)
Oh that his maid ,seem like he to excited and even forget to done his breakfast.
- à venir! (comming!). vida reply
He came down the table and begin to eat his breakfast. He look at the long table that used to be full of his family and now just him. After done with his breakfast he go to his office again. The office is a white room with some big book self and some decoration painting on the wall. He sit down his chair behind the desk and start working with paper and ink. The door knocking.

- Entrez.(come in)
A man in a general cloth walked in.
- c'est comme ça que tu accueilles ton ami ? (is that how you greet your friend?)
- priece! Comment vas-tu? (priece! How are you?).Vida stand up and hug him.
- je vais bien. Comment vas tu? (i am good, how are you?)
- je vais bien aussi. (i am good too)
- donc tu es le nouveau roi maintenant hein? (so you are the new king now huh?)
- oui (yes)
- Alors tu vas travailler avec du papier tous les jours comme ton vieux ? (So you going to work with paper every day like your old man?)
vida and priece laugh together.
- je vois que tu es un général maintenant. (I see you're a general now.) vida said
- oui (yes)
- félicitations (congrat)
- merci (thank you)
- asseoir (sit)

They both sit down on the chair.
-alors comment va ta famille? (alors comment va ta famille?) .priece ask
-tous sont morts. (all are dead.) vida reply
-oh je suis tellement désolé (oh i'm so sorry)
-c'est d'accord (it's ok)

Priece look at his clock and said:
-Désolé je dois m'en aller maintenant. la prochaine fois nous irons à la chasse ouais? (Sorry I have to go now. next time we'll go hunting,yeah?)
-sur, au revoir (sure, goodbye)
Priece stand up and walk out the office. The office quiet again, vida also stand up and go to his desk. He look at the schedule and notice that he have a tour down of his kingdom. He decided to do it later.

Mod: You must provide English translations for anything in another language. Please correct this. Thanks. -Sil
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