[GA - DEFEATED] Mitigating Artificial Fragmentation

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Winter Kingdom
TNP Nation
Boston Castle

Mitigating Artificial Fragmentation
Category: Environmental | Industry Affected: All Businesses-Mild
Proposed by: Untecna | Onsite Topic

The General Assembly,

Understanding the previous legislation passed by the General Assembly on endangered animals, protecting them from harm,

Noting that these resolutions have been focused on sapient-caused extinction to activities such as agriculture and hunting, and avoided fragmentation,

Knowing that in that case, an enhancement may be needed to ensure that other reasons for endangerment are addressed,

Establishes that animal population fragmentation may be detrimental to affected species due to potential reduction of genetic diversity, limitation of population growth, increased danger of extirpation, lower carrying capacities in their areas of residence, loss of ability to reach resources in some cases, lower life expectancy, and potential extinction in the wild, among other issues,

Notes that, while natural changes may result in the change of a fragmented population to be able to be free of fragmentation, nature is not certain, and can not wholly be accounted for to any degree in the immediate time, and

Understanding that, by the nature of the detrimental effects listed above, fragmentation of animal populations potentially reduces the diversity of species and the overall biodiversity of the land on which they reside and in the nation that is in,

Hereby enacts the following:

  1. The following definitions are reviewed:
    1. “Animal population” is a group of individuals, classified as non-sapient wild animals, that make up the amount of that animal in a given area, excluding microscopic species.

    2. “Fragmentation” is the separation of animal populations by natural or artificial barriers that may cause a net detriment on an animal population.

    3. “Fragmenters” is further defined as the barriers keeping animal populations fragmented.

    4. "Microscopic Species" is defined as a species of non-sapient wild animals at or below a measurement of 0.25 mm in length.
  2. The World Assembly Endangered Species Committee (WAESC) shall:
    1. Research barriers between animal populations, both natural and artificial,
    2. Collect and provide data and information on fragmented species for use by national efforts to end fragmentation,
    3. Set guidelines to find what exactly may constitute a fragmented species and a detrimental fragmentation, and
    4. Assess whether the species in question is both able to be assisted at the time and is in danger of detriment from fragmentation.
  3. Member nations shall assist and cooperate with the WAESC in finding and researching said barriers.

  4. All member nations must conduct independent research on the effects the specific species gains from fragmentation, and submit the results to the WAESC to increase the information database on fragmented populations.

  5. All artificial fragmenters within an area of fragmentation must be reviewed and a decision made on the best course of action to assist the fragmented population.
    1. Construction plans of a magnitude that is able to cause detrimental fragmentation, as determined by the WAESC, will be reviewed by an independent body hired in collaboration of the member nation and the WAESC to determine the level of damage that may occur and what solutions may be made to the plans to mitigate issues.
  6. All member nations are required to take action to mitigate and minimize the effects of fragmentation if the animal in question meets the guidelines and the fragmentation is caused by artificial barriers.

  7. Affirms member nations that this proposal is not intended to end speciation by natural means, but is rather to prevent detrimental consequences to populations by artificial means.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!


"Mitigating Artificial Fragmentation" was defeated 3,548 votes (23.4%) to 11,642 (76.6%).
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Resolution Overview:
This proposal attempts to rectify certain inequities in this area of wildlife population fragmentation by instructing existing WA committees to research, assess potential danger, and set guidelines of and for the mitigation of population fragmentation, guaranteeing international cooperation, and mandating member states do independent research apart from the designated WA body. Furthermore, the proposal requires any and all potential barriers go through a process of WA arbitration to analyze the risks and benefits of projects, and to take appropriate action in response. Lastly, it obligates WA member states to make efforts to counteract population fragmentation outside of the specific provisions of the proposal, and attempts to reassure readers of its attempted purpose.

Ministry Analysis
This proposal falls flat right out of the gate. Perhaps the best summation of its quality is: “This is such a nuanced topic and it’s handled with all the delicacy of a fog horn in an opera house”. While the requirement of nations doing their own research while the same job is given to a WA committee, or the vain assurance that the proposal’s intentions are indeed good are but minor errors, things quickly fall apart afterwards. Given the proposal’s application to both macroscopic and microscopic life, Clause 5/a could tie up even the most minute projects in needless bureaucracy, jeopardizing pivotal infrastructural, health, and security projects that could improve the lives of many, while clause 6 could force nations to undertake dangerous, detrimental, and/or pointless projects in the name of mitigating population fragmentation.

For the above reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote Against the General Assembly Resolution at vote, "Mitigating Artificial Fragmentation".

Our Voting Recommendation Dispatch—Please Upvote!
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Against. In short, it is trying to do too much for a small objective. Also, imagine developing countries having to comply with this kind of ridiculous managing.
This proposal has received the necessary approvals to enter the formal queue. Barring it being withdrawn or marked illegal, it will proceed to a vote at Sunday’s Minor Update.
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