
Legal Nerd? Yeah, that's me
She/Her They/Them
TNP Nation
Greetings! Do you like chess and like to hear about chess? You've come to the right place!​
We will start this media off with the current Europeia's current Chess Event: The Europeian Invitational, in which I am a player!

We have 3 days to think each move, and currently, the first round is being played.

In one of the games, we have a very typical open game starter.
fuentanaNS94 v. VivancoRa
1. e4, e5
In the second game we have a curious start of the game, with the queen's pawn going ahead first, having a closed opening, and with me turning it into an Indian game.
Wolf6120 v. VivancoRa
1. d4, Nf6
In the third and last game in which I take part in we have yet another open game! And from now it's just a King's knight, which could develop to many other openings. Veyr versatile and stable start.
VivancoRa v. Doolze
1. e4, e5
2. Nf3
Let's look at the Group 1 of the Tournament.

Within the first game, Giovanni stablishes itself already as wanting a closed opening game, with the queen's pawn. How will this game go?

Giovanni0016 v. GreaterCesnica
1. d4
In the second game we find a jewell! An english opening, from no other but Pichto! Starting with queen-side bishop's pawn, which was answered with a lithuan variation letting black's queenside knight out to play. This looks interesting!

Pichto v. Giovanni0016
1. c4, Nc6
And now, the last game of the group, we find yet another closed game by the hand of GreaterCesnica. Anyone's game so early!

GreaterCesnica v. Pichto
1. d4
Let's look now at Group 2!

In group 2 we find a fairly advanced game already compared with the rest! Remember, we have 3 days PER MOVE to think. But with less than a day already in the tournament, we have a game with 6 moves done already!

The start is a standard open game, but it's a Vienna system, followed with the Falkbeer variation with Nf6 from black player. And as it stands now, it's an interesting position! But I see a very big mistake from whites! Can you spot it?
(Also, I really dislike games where the queen is let out so soon. Develop your pieces first!)

QymaenSheelal v. RewanDemontay
1. e4, e5
2. Nc3, Nf6
3. d4, exd4
4. Qxd4, Nc6
5. Qd3, d6
6. e5
The next game in the list is still forging itself, with only the starting move being set. And it's another closed game! A lot of closed games we're having in this first round, so it seems.

RewanDemontay v. Kolya_the_Great
1. d4
And the last game... Hasn't gotten any moves in yet! How intriguing!
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In order to keep my sanity (And all of ours), I'll make a report of the full matches once they end!