The cultural (and beauty) contest called Miss Eras is out! Please take note that there are some rules. The beauty contest I've planned consists on 3 parts:
Part 1 - the contestants create a social project and execute them.
Part 2 - they are chosen by their projects by the judges to be finally judged by their appearance, which leads to part 3.
Part 3 - the remaining contestants on a runaway defiling and then being chosen by the judges as the most beautiful of Eras.
On past contests the winner will be almost randomly selected, following a system where each nation will start with 1 point. They can spend this point by choosing a year to win the contest or spend it on two 2nd places (0.5 point each). The contests are held every year since 1952, being started on Tardine by Pofred Risvie. Each nation can have more cultural points by sending RP posts of beauty contest related stuff. Here is the application form:
Nation (full name):
Will you use your points right away?
[] YES | [] NO
If yes, then please choose if you're going for a win, or two second places:
[] Win, year: | [] One loss, year: | [] Two losses, years:
Cultural points backup (if you want more points and have RP posts backing yours culture before 11/23, send it on spoiler):
Part 1 - the contestants create a social project and execute them.
Part 2 - they are chosen by their projects by the judges to be finally judged by their appearance, which leads to part 3.
Part 3 - the remaining contestants on a runaway defiling and then being chosen by the judges as the most beautiful of Eras.
On past contests the winner will be almost randomly selected, following a system where each nation will start with 1 point. They can spend this point by choosing a year to win the contest or spend it on two 2nd places (0.5 point each). The contests are held every year since 1952, being started on Tardine by Pofred Risvie. Each nation can have more cultural points by sending RP posts of beauty contest related stuff. Here is the application form:
Nation (full name):
Will you use your points right away?
[] YES | [] NO
If yes, then please choose if you're going for a win, or two second places:
[] Win, year: | [] One loss, year: | [] Two losses, years:
Cultural points backup (if you want more points and have RP posts backing yours culture before 11/23, send it on spoiler):