Steadily reviving, though we can still do better
Once this term started, I didn’t really expect to achieve anything meaningful for at least a few months (lmao yes, I was that cynical). It’s really difficult to actually get something on the verge of death to revitalize itself, so even with my efforts I thought we would only get some real activity once enough time had passed…
But surprisingly, activity promptly resumed after just a few weeks.
As soon as I took my oath, I decided to do something different and made every single one of my staffers a de-facto deputy. This effectively meant that all major decisions of the Ministry of Cards were to be decided by the regular staffers alone, which ended up working wonders since staffer activity ended up significantly increasing than what was the case during the previous few terms. Cards staff applications additionally went up, which ensured that we’d always have a new face to eventually take over once people like me end up going poof.
Also, many of TNP’s regulars took great lengths to increase this ministry’s standing. People like Delegate @St George and Justice @Pallaith helped contribute towards the inner workings of Cards whenever it was necessary, and this cooperation between Cards and non-cards TNPers have proven to be just as important as working/communicating with the cards staff.
For what programs we actually introduced (and/or revived), there’s a few we’ve already accomplished:
Actual Access to Our Card Stockpile - This is the major thing I wanted us to achieve this term. Without access to any of our cards (whether it be on The Northern Light or on TNP’s card farmer puppets), the Guild wasn’t even able to function. @r3naissanc3r was able to correct this by introducing new scripts that would allow me (along with other trusted TNPers) to junk and/or gift cards to anyone. Thanks to this, the Ministry can actually resort to normal functions once again.
Great Card Giveaway - Using @r3naissanc3r’s technology, I’ve been able to personally manage this program going forward. This includes junking and/or gifting cards from all of TNP’s card farmer nations (which number in the thousands, btw). Activity has resultantly spiked to levels that were the case since the glory days of the Cards Guild, and it has even improved due to the gifting efforts of @Elegarth and @Fauzjhia.
Kard Karl Competitions - This is a new program that is currently aiding in boosting the activity within TNP’s Discord server. Each week we host a new competition that anyone (including non-Guild members) can participate in, and it’s doing very well as of now. I’m using my own cards in order to fund this program, but we can always use TNP’s official stockpile in order to fund this program.
Card Lottery Changes - As mentioned previously, I’ve been wanting this particular program to be reformed. The Lottery currently gives out an unnecessarily high number of cards (including cards that we’re on short supply on) to members of TNP. After discussing this with others backstage, something is currently in the works that will see this issue mitigated. I will see about any potential improvements we can further make later on, but for now, we’re currently seeing some progress regarding tweaks to the Card Lottery.
Some programs also (unfortunately) had to be disabled. I’ve listed them here as followed:
Pull Events - This program has been indefinitely discontinued due to technical changes. Activity was returned to normal before this occurred, so the sudden halt to this program ended up becoming a surprise to many of us. Perhaps we’ll find a program to replace this in the future.
Executive Card Rewards - The points system that was utilized proved to be an issue for many, so this program has been temporarily suspended until we can make improvements to it. However, the NPA card program still remains (as it was already a thing long before the Executive program existed), so we’ll continue to hand out cards to those who currently contribute to TNP’s Ministry of Defense.
While it's sad to see these programs be placed on the backburner, let's not forget the good times we enjoyed while they were still in effect. Additionally, we ended up saving + introducing more programs than programs we ended up losing. If that's not an achievement then I have no idea what is.
To say the least, it's been a challenging term for me. I knew what sort of crap I was getting into, and sacrifices were made by me IRL (such as allowing some of my grades to fall short) in order to even get us anywhere, but this was not done in vain. Through newfound effort by many of us, I’m slowly seeing Cards returning to its glory days as a Ministry. Activity has been increasing, and we're even getting some new faces that have proven to be invaluable members of TNP's card community. With just the right effort, the flames that have been consuming us will eventually be doused, and once that day comes I’ll be proud to have seen us continue to grow and prosper (despite overwhelming odds).
Yours Truly,
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