Half Term Report

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Election Commissioner
TNP Nation
Half Term Report

Time has passed by quickly and we’ve already reached the halfway point of this term. The Ministry of Home Affairs started off with New Celoveniortan in command but unfortunately they could not continue and was replaced by Skaraborg (me!). With the resignation of New Celoveniortan, Katuda stepped up as Deputy Minister. Something I am very happy about and I am very glad to have them in the team. Vivanco and Tringapore have also done really well as Deputies. I don’t have any new plans for the rest of term. The goal will be to complete lists as quickly as possible and continuing helping new forum members by mentoring and welcoming them as well as wishing everyone a happy birthday! Basically doing the work we’ve always done!

So far we have (nearly) completed 3 very long lists. I hope we’ll be able to post a new list at least every week because lists have been posted a bit unregularly this entire term. Of course it’s been affected by the ministerial transition. Also, we do no longer have a Venicea who ate 200 rows for breakfast and the fact that these first lists have been very long makes me think that we might have needed a bit more staffers claiming rows. Of course I could wish that there were more staffers, but so does every Minister and Ministry. Instead, I am very thankful for the help of all Home Affairs staffers we currently have! I am very grateful that you take some of your free time to send rows, welcome our new members and mentor them. It’s truly amazing to work with you people! We have still managed to reach out to a ton of nations and in comparison with other terms we aren’t far behind when it comes to the amount of claimed rows and nations we have reached out to even though we’ve completed fewer lists.

We can definitely up the tempo for the rest of the term and that’s my hope and intention, but let’s take one list and mentee at the time and see how far we get!


List Stats: During the first half of the term we’ve done 3 lists with 1 585 claimed rows and 9 924 nations reached out. Nearly 10 000!

Mentor Stats:
We have reached out to 90 new members during the first half of our term
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