Suspension of the Executive Rewards Program

St George

RolePlay Moderator
Deputy Speaker
He/Him, They/Them

Suspension of the Executive Rewards Program

Greetings TNPers,

As some of you may know, The North Pacific has ostensibly operated a Cards Reward Program for Executive Staff activity for several months. As some of you may also know, the program has been beset by delays in gifting and poor record keeping on the part of Ministers, myself included. As well as this, the points system was unbalanced and had the effect of making some work more valuable than others, with rewards for work varying massively from ministry to ministry.

Given the issues with the Executive Rewards Program, I am hereby suspending it, with the hope that we can revive it later in the term with a revamped and rebalanced set of rewards and a sustainable future.

However, that does leave the question of what to do about any outstanding rewards earned previously. Rewards for outstanding points held by those still part of the Executive Staff and who were not part of the Executive Council when the points were earned may be claimed by contacting myself either here on the forum or on discord. The list of those with outstanding rewards are as follows:

@Boston Castle: 12 random legendaries
@Gorundu: 3 random legendaries
@Greater Cesnica: 3 legendaries
@Healiopolis: 2 random legendaries
@QuietDad: 1 random legendary
@Praetor: 1 random legendary
@Yuno: 1 random legendary
@Fregerson: 1 random legendary
@Honeydewistan: 1 random legendary

No further rewards will be given until such a time as when I believe the program can return. Further questions or queries should be posted here or you can find me on Discord.

Delegate of TNP