Suggestion to start an Initiative/a Program.

Whole India

TNP Nation
Mr Freeze
wholeindia (Whole India#5046)
Yesterday, I just checked the amount of WA nations endorsing the WAD, and I found the number to be quite significant. Hence, I felt it was necessary to give this idea to the policymakers. Considering the fact that 'The North Pacific WA Development Program' has been a grand success then why not begin an Initiative to encourage nations to volunteer for the government in its bureaucracy. This will help to recruit new bright minds with more ideas and help them get involved in the system. This will help them earn experience.
We already have the Ministry of Home Affairs for that.
if you want to start an "initiative" perhaps you should elaborate more on what said initiative would be, and not just say the word initiative with zero context?
it's difficult to understand what you're proposing as currently you seem to be using buzz words to describe something that already exists
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if you want to start an "initiative" perhaps you should elaborate more on what said initiative would be, and not just say the word initiative with zero context?
it's difficult to understand what you're proposing as currently you seem to be using buzz words to describe something that already exists
A fascist using buzzwords? My dear man, I am flabbergasted!
if you want to start an "initiative" perhaps you should elaborate more on what said initiative would be, and not just say the word initiative with zero context?
it's difficult to understand what you're proposing as currently you seem to be using buzz words to describe something that already exists
Sorry for the late reply. Real-life was keeping me busy. Well, I don't know whether such a thing exists or not but the idea which I have is to have something like The North Pacific WA Development Program. Where we shall be giving awards to the one volunteering to serve the region. And some forum roles, access to more fun discord channels and such stuff. Due to this, I feel we can encourage new people and give them the platform for presenting their dynamic ideas.