Opening Address September 2021


Winter Kingdom
TNP Nation
Boston Castle
Hello all,

Long time, no see. (Unless you happen to be pinged with @ WA Residents, in which case…) Unlike with Cretox’s second address, no fancy Kimberly Guilfoyle this time, so let’s get into it. I’d like to thank @St George for giving me the opportunity for a full term in office as Minister of World Assembly Affairs. This Ministry has been the one I have pretty-much singularly devoted myself to on NS these last nine months and to have the opportunity now to lead it for the next ~4 is an honor. My thanks also go out to those who participated in the debate over my Waiver. I understand that these decisions may be easy to some and not easy to others, but you participated and for that we commend you nonetheless.

Without further ado though, let’s start with two big announcements:

  1. The Dissolution of the Senior WA Consultants
    Effective immediately, there will be no such body as the Senior WA Consultants. During my time interacting with that body, they proved conclusive in our decision-making approximately once--in making the decision to exclude Greater Cesnica from that body. While I understand a reflexive need to give it a shot, we’ve been giving it one and throughout the last four months, and really the last six as I’ve been involved, this body has served little effective purpose. My many, many thanks go out to all of those who served on that body. However, the WA Ministry does need a body to oversee it and temper its decision-making in ways that aren’t necessarily WA-related and thus…
  2. The Creation of the WA Council
    My conception of this was like a blend between the broader Executive Council and the Senior Diplomats in that it would take people with experience in the area and in other related fields and mash them together to help create a body which can clearly advise the Ministry. Upon discussing this with @MadJack and Foreign Affairs Minister @Tlomz, we have decided upon a body of 9 who will serve the region and help guide the Ministry’s voting stances. For the WA Ministry, those people will be myself and my three Deputy Ministers. The Foreign Affairs Minister, Vice Delegate, and Delegate will, of course, sit on that body too. We have also come to an agreement on two people to serve on that body, they are: @Lord Dominator and @Pallaith. Luckily, they have agreed to do so and the FAM has also agreed to those appointments.

This term, administratively:

  1. Deputy Ministers
    Perhaps the most important part of this job is the continuing service of our Deputy Ministers. After a term backing me up with our tech, Kastonvia has gone on to a greener pasture, namely the Vice Delegacy. We here in the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs wish him all the best and earnestly hope he continues the excellent tradition of VDs keeping our region safe. For this term, I will be appointing three deputy ministers with the hopeful opportunity to take further members later on. They are: @Greater Cesnica, @Morover, and @East Isles. I hope all three will continue to serve the Ministry with panache and enthusiasm or begin doing so more fervently. I would also like to point out that there will be no Executive Deputy Minister for the moment and that I only intend to do so when I have determined that 1) I will not be able to continue in office for the next term (if such occurs) and 2) I have a preferred candidate to succeed me in office as Minister.
  2. An Update on the Heroes Program...well, sort of
    I’m pleased to report that there has been progress on the Heroes of the North Program. A complete draft has been submitted to the SC subforum regarding Pallaith and it is my full expectation that @Bobberino will be sending his draft of a Gladio Commend over to me in the coming week. However, that being said, I would also like to announce that while we will continue to work on the remaining parts of this project, I will be reaching out to the new MoWAA in Europeia as soon as they are elected with the goal of instead expanding this to include Europeia’s “Heroes” as well. With the dearth of experienced Security Council authors here, I view this as a very simple early step to expand cooperation in a variety of ways.
  3. Division of Labor
    Starting this evening, and for the next 72 hours, there will be a roll call for Ministry staffers. I have also decided that this will be how we assign roles for staffers in the future, or at least so long as I’m in office. While I enjoy having lots of people to ping for, say, IFVs or the Accelerator program, I don’t believe that this is sustainable when lots of people have the role but do nothing with it. Therefore, those with the pingable roles (WA-IFVs, WA-Heroes, WA-Accelerator and WA-Voting) will be expected to actually contribute in those areas or see those roles removed. I’m also going to eliminate the IFV voting channel. With the advent of the WA Council, this doesn’t seem to hold much purpose as we will either have a clear consensus from our voting threads or have an easy-ish override from the Council.

    (As a note here, WA-Voting will be instead the role I ping for new voting threads.)
  4. New Bricks?
    I have also heard some new rumblings about adding new members to WALL. These discussions, I should note, have led to nothing substantive, but I do expect we will hear from at least one applicant this term. I plan to continue discussions with our WALL partners regarding the state of that body and how they would like to move forward, especially given the recent expansion of the Partnership for Sovereignty.

For now, that’s all I have to share. Thank you once again for giving me this opportunity to serve.

Ever Yours,
~~Boston Castle
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