Unorganized Notes
The people of Creamium place high emphasis on health and sexual freedom.
Religions that discourage sensual pleasure are looked down on in the nation, however citizens are granted the right to express themselves freely.
Creamium's healthcare is cutting edge. They're one of the largest producers and exporters of healthcare technology and medicine. Their breakthrough research in medicine is often celebrated worldwide.
Due to the emphasis on sexual freedoms, sex work is completely legal, socially acceptable, safe, and common. Tourists flock to Creamium to indulge in their risk-free and ethical prostitution industry. Many businesses have sprung up surrounding the industry to cater to clients' needs.
Creamium prides itself in being completely free of sexually transmitted diseases. All people entering the country are first tested for such diseases and are barred entry if results are positive. Creamium scientists have managed to develop medicines that cure STDs.