Resignation as an Advisor to the Delegate

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El Fiji Grande

Over 45000 km and counting
TNP Nation
El Fiji Grande (#3446)
Mr. Delegate,

Please accept my formal resignation as an Advisor. As I discussed privately with you over the last few weeks, I intend to leave The North Pacific - and likely NS altogether. Passage of the Reject Fascism bill and its upholding in our region's courts are events that I have deep disagreements with. The new law conflicts with the values I hold, putting me in opposition to the views held by so many of my regionmates. To repeat what I stated during discussions: if I do not stand by my principles, then I stand by nothing at all. I cannot in good conscience remain a citizen of The North Pacific. A subsequent development is that I will soon be embarking on an incredible journey that will impede my ability to remain active, reinforcing my resignation with the clarity that I would not be able to serve in the role irrespective of my main reason for leaving.

I appreciate the trust you placed in me to serve alongside Pallaith as a personal advisor this past term, and hope you can finish the term strong.


El Fiji Grande
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Fiji, you were the first Delegate I really served under as Minister of Culture. It was a big step for me to do that job full time, and you helped me realize I could do that and serve the region beyond what I had been doing.
We may have disagreed on a few things, including one of the reasons for your resignation, but you were a great guy to just talk to. Much less work with.

I wish you nothing but the best. You'll always be welcome here in my book.
Although I am sad to see you go, I can’t say that this is an unexpected turn of events. You were kind enough to let me know of your intentions well in advance so that I could make my plans accordingly and, for that, I am thankful.

You’ve been a cornerstone of this community for years now; ever since I arrived in TNP, in fact. You were the first Delegate who’s cabinet I served on and you were the one who gave me a shot and believe in me when I was still new here. You’ve been nothing short of a regional stalwart and civil servant and, for that too, I am thankful.

Ultimately, I understand why you would have had to leave regardless given your plans for the future IRL. I only ask that you stop in every now and then don’t be a stranger. You’re still a friend, you know :)

Safe travels, and I accept your resignation

~ Robes
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