- Pronouns
- He/His/Him
- TNP Nation
- Prydania
- Discord
- lordgigaice

Greetings North Pacificans! It is my great honour as Minister of Culture of NationStates' largest democracy to announce the conclusion of our Democracy Day Rainbow Tournament!
Democracy only works when it has an active and eager citizenry participating in it, and I'm extremely happy to see the high levels of engagement in this voting tournament.
Blue has emerged victorious, a very appropriate outcome for the first outing for this celebration.
Every year, as a celebration of Democracy Day, the Ministry of Culture prints a pocket constitution and mails it (yes, through the actual mail) to anyone in the world who wants it, 100% free of charge. The 32 page booklet contains the full text of the constitution and bill of rights, and a few pages of bonus content that varies from year to year. In honour of the winning colour, we are proud to announce that the inside cover of our 2021 Pocket Constitution will be solid BLUE!
And remember, for a limited time you can still order this unique 2021 Rainbow Tournament Edition of the TNP pocket constitution! It's free, it's completely anonymous, it supports TNP and the values that make our community what it is, and it’s only available for a few more days.!
Just follow this link to order yours!
I would like to take this moment to thank @Crushing Our Enemies for his tireless work on the physical construction of the pocket constitutions and making sure they're sent out. I'd also like to thank him for his help and guidance in shaping this Rainbow Tournament Event.
I would also like to thank our Delegate @Robespierre who gave me the freedom to conduct this event as I saw necessary.
I had a lot of fun with this event, and it wouldn't have been what it was without both COE and Robes.
And of course don't forget...
Order that pocket constitution!