June & July 2021 Report

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New Celoveniortan

Leader Dimmer Wint of the Federal Republic of NC
TNP Nation
New Celoveniortan#9135

Hello, fellow TNPers!

I bring today the second report of the term, consisting of both June and July.

@Venicea joined the crew, they have been doing terrific work so far, and as such, I consider them very valuable. Keep up the good work!

Templates & Lists
I'm pleased to say that the RMB Posters for Home Affairs template has been created and that it has seen its very first list.
This month, we have achieved: 8 lists completed, 1520 rows claimed, and 11141 nations contacted

This month, 37 mentees were contacted, meaning that so far, 72 mentees were contacted.
I'd also like to give our mentors a big shoutout, who are always doing their best to get new people to get closer to our region. Keep up the good work too!

That concludes the report, thank you all for taking your time to read it.

Have a nice day, everyone!

Minister of Home Affairs NC​
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