Opening Statements
Hi, everyone. To those who don't know me, I'm Morover, and I'm the new Minister of Cards. I'll keep this short, but I would like to express my gratitude to Robespierre for this opportunity.
My foremost priority is to get the giveaways and lotteries back up and running to at least partial capacity; over the past few months, technical struggles have really dampened the effect of the ministry and the programs put in place, and I'm seeking to at least get a temporary solution in place where I can, and hopefully set the ministry up for long-term success. I have the beginnings of a plan coming to mind, but this is a lot to do in a month and a half and we've gotta hustle where we can. This should and will be a collaborative effort, so if any guild members or card staffers have any ideas, I welcome them - DM me on the forums or on Discord (FSG#5049) and we can get to talking. I will be working with the delegate, other ministers and ministries, and our staffers to try and really get the Cards program to a good and sustainable place.
Thanks, and may we finish off this term great.