[Public Gallery] Reject Facism Law Conflicts with Regional Bill of Rights


TNP Nation
11. No governmental authority of the region has the power to suspend or disregard the Constitution or the Legal Code. In the event of an actual emergency, the governmental authorities of the region, with the express consent of the Nations of the region or their representatives, is authorized to act in any reasonable manner that is consistent as practicable with the pertinent provisions of the Constitution.
The court might be on its way to a nested R4R. Last post from Dreadton stated that the court is deliberating whether to accept the R4R or not. Pallaith shouldn't be involved in such a discussion, because he was asked to recuse himself due to conflict of interest as the writer of the bill being challenged.

Also, this is the second case in a row where the court overlooked their own procedures saying that any justice can accept or deny an R4R and skipped to full-court deliberation, which I thought only needed to happen when appealing a rejection. I wonder if the court will be updating its procedures.
I was not part of any discussion to accept or reject the r4r. I specifically recused myself from the matter in the event it was accepted, as well as any discussion related to addressing the r4r (which at the time of my recusal was not taking place).

Your point regarding process is noted. Since I’ve been on the Court it appears that the Court has been more deliberative on these matters, and perhaps an additional procedure change is in order.