UTEP Agora Debates


The University of The East Pacific cordially invites you to the next UTEP Agora Debate!

The University of The East Pacific is the center of academic and intellectual discussion, with subject matter ranging from psychology to literature to NationStates Politics and History. Our Agora Debates are regular events where members of our Executive Discord Server (Execord) debate interesting and thought-provoking topics under the University Code of Decorum. Thus far, Agora Debate Participants have been strictly East Pacificans, but UTEP leadership is now inviting YOU, as an ally of TEP, to participate in the next such event (or just watch). Stop on by the university using the link below, and feel free to participate in any of our open discussion channels (called departments) while you’re there! Visit this link, and let the Verifiers know you’re here as a UTEP Visitor: https://discord.com/invite/nf8KD8RFNH