Greater Ale Permars (GAP's) Platform for the July 2021 Judicial Election

Greater Ale Permars

RolePlay Moderator
My Reason For Running:
I believe that the Judicial branch is full of longtime incumbents who have overstayed their welcomes. I believe that is necessary for new life to be breathed into the judicial branch and that new life starts with me. I am also a big nerd when it comes to constitutional law so I am interested in these topics.

My Platform:

1. Impartiality and Constitutional adherence:

I am a staunch believer in the idea that the judiciary should be the safeguard against tyranny. As a Justice, I will take steps to makes sure the Judicial branch removes itself and abstains from getting wrapped up in political maneuvering, and stay above partisanship. Along with this, I will make sure to adhere to the constitution and bill of rights to the letter along with enforcing the laws put into place by the assembly to the best of my ability. Along with that, I do not believe in legislating from the bench and as I said earlier believe in a strict interpretation of the constitution.

2. Speedy but thorough criminal cases:
I will strive to make cases involving crimes in the North Pacific move faster but retain the thorough nature of a slow trial, for that I will advocate for the introduction of officers of the court to allow for faster examinations of evidence and therefore speedier trials that do not slow down and take up excessive amounts of the Judiciary's time.

3. Mandatory Judicial Review of bills and Resolutions by the Regional Assembly:
It is important that constitutional violations are caught in their infancy, so as to better safeguard against them a mandatory review of these bills and resolutions must be put in place. Some may say this will take up more of the Judiciary's time, but I hope if my second policy is implemented it will allow for the Judicial branch to have more freedom to conduct these actions alongside court officers if my policy is implemented.

4. The Introduction of Officers of the Court:
To further explain my idea for Court Officers, as the Judicial branch is confined to three justices it makes working on cases a slow and inefficient process so as to counter that we can introduce the position of court officers to the Judicial Branch. In this, there would be two Court Officers per Justice selected by said Justice in question these Officers would assist with court matters such as depositions and reviews of bills and resolutions. These officers of the court would not be able to make rulings but would act as assistants who will streamline the Judicial Process. The qualifications for such a role will be fleshed out in the future. But overall this new position will allow for a much more flexible and efficient Judiciary.

5. The Introduction of Assenting and Dissenting Opinions:
I believe that there must be an introduction of public Assenting and Dissenting opinions by Justices who vote for or against a ruling. This goes to bring a justice's views and interpretation on a matter to the public and allows for a more transparent and open Judiciary whose opinion's may be final but whose interpretations may be varied.

I also want to thank @Koopa103 for nominating me, he is a good friend who has always been kind to me.
How will you reconcile #3 with this court ruling
Well hopefully in the future, another case will be brought to the court in which will allow for an overturn or loosening of the ruling.
Could you showcase an understanding of some of our regional laws? It could be in anyway, such as explaining certain ambiguity in the laws, powers of the court, powers of the SC, etc.
My Reason For Running:
I believe that the Judicial branch is full of longtime incumbents who have overstayed their welcomes.
There’s only really one problem that I have with this assessment, and that’s that I’m unsure it applies to the judicial branch at this time.

If you look as the current Justices, LD is probably the most “longtime” member of the branch on and off, while Pallaith/Ghost just recently joined it earlier this year in March and the now-vacated former Chief Justice, saintpeter, only spent one term as an Associate Justice previously (which began in November of 2020). I’m not quite sure what you define as a “longtime” member but, when I think of the more tenured members of the judiciary, our current Justices are not exactly the first names that come to mind.

That being said: In your view, who, specifically, has overstayed their welcome? I don’t mean to force you into a corner and make you say something that you otherwise wouldn’t say, but since you began your campaign this way I’m a bit curious
1. Let's say your goal is to transform the Court into a cesspit of conspiratorial slime sitting atop a minefield of segregated political alliances and treason without getting thrown out office before the term is up. How would you do it?

2. The Delegate accuses a Justice of Treason, the charges are accepted, and all Justices recuse themselves. The Delegate then banjects that Justice, stating that they are a threat to regional security. The Delegate then requests Court approval for the banjection. Who may approve the banjection? Who should approve the banjection? Cite evidence from the Constibillicode.

3. Any changes to the Constibillicode you'd like to see? Doesn't have to be specifically related to the Court.
What did you think of the Court reversing its ruling on convicting MadJack two terms ago? Was this properly resolved? The Court this term tried to mitigate some of went wrong in that case by amending it’s procedures, have you had a chance to review that change? Do you think it would help prevent the shenanigans that happened in that case, or is something more substantial needed? Or do you feel it is what it is and no change needs to be made in response to that case’s outcome?
That would seem to contradict your textualist interpretation of the Constitution.
Well, I would argue that the ruling and interpretation of the court at that time was not exactly what I would call correct as in my interpretation that ruling was wrong.
There’s only really one problem that I have with this assessment, and that’s that I’m unsure it applies to the judicial branch at this time.

If you look as the current Justices, LD is probably the most “longtime” member of the branch on and off, while Pallaith/Ghost just recently joined it earlier this year in March and the now-vacated former Chief Justice, saintpeter, only spent one term as an Associate Justice previously (which began in November of 2020). I’m not quite sure what you define as a “longtime” member but, when I think of the more tenured members of the judiciary, our current Justices are not exactly the first names that come to mind.

That being said: In your view, who, specifically, has overstayed their welcome? I don’t mean to force you into a corner and make you say something that you otherwise wouldn’t say, but since you began your campaign this way I’m a bit curious
I would refer to a longtime member as being someone who is either incumbent or not that has either been in place for a significant amount of time or someone who comes and goes and then comes back not really providing anything more. I reference myself as being new blood as someone who has not been in the Judiciary at all as opposed to those who have come and gone or have just stayed not making things better and not making things worse.
Well referring to the case in which this situation was first brought up it was argued that since the constitution defined the court's purview as being solely stuck in the realm of reviewing passed laws and resolutions. Now that in my interpretation is false seeing as a bill is only a law that has yet to be passed making the whole idea that a law must be passed before it is reviewed is very silly and cause for potential danger with a possibly unconstitutional law going into the books. It is a limitation that I would argue most likely was a mistake.
What would realistically say is the longest you could work on a single case before you stopped caring?