Opening Report for May 2021


Deputy Minister
TNP Nation

Hello, Cards!

Many of you know me from serving with the NPA and others know me form the top of the cards leader board. Others yet know me from my extend tenure from here. With out further ado I will be kicking off this term to a successful and introspective view on the Ministry of Cards. Many of our current programs have fallen to the wayside and I intend to tweak most if not all of them. The guild was the pioneer in the cards world and my goal is to work with a team of effective staffers and deputies to once again make the guild a pioneer in the cards field and the pinnacle and star example of a perfect card org.

If you are interested in helping develop the guild feel free to sign up for cards staff or apply to be a deputy. I am looking for some paperwork helpers as well as regional farmers both roles can easily be done from the comfort of being a local cards staff member sign up today.
Maybe the Home Affairs seal was used to signify that the Ministry of Cards feels like home to 9003? :shrug2:
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