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- Freg#0420

Closing Address
As we are nearing the end of a term, it is time to have a stocktake on the performance of the ministry over the term, while keeping everyone updated on the ongoing projects.
Earlier in the term, the Ministry of Communications has published the final edition of The North Star, as part of a transition to Polaris as pushed by BMWSurfer. We then moved on to Polaris, with the first Polaris article, a World Assembly Digest, being published in February. As for The Northern Lights, the Ministry has completed and published the 35th issue of The Northern Lights, a special edition about the recently completed Cards Symposium organised by the Ministry of Cards.
Even as the term comes to an end, work in the Ministry never actually stops. For the Northern Lights, we are currently progressing forward with the Regional Development Issue, finalising the structure of the issue and starting on the actual content. Going forward, the ministry will also be looking towards improving activity on the Polaris front, releasing articles at a more optimal pace.
Though things didn’t turn out as ideal as I expected it to be, it has been a really nice one month taking charge of the ministry. And till we meet again.
- Fregerson