Home Affairs: End of Term Address

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TNP Nation

Hey everyone,

It is time to say goodbye and sum up how the term has gone. This term, we made excellent progress as a Ministry and delivered strong results in our recruitment. In addition, we laid a strong foundation for these projects to be finished next term but my successor and I am sure they will be able to do a great job.

During this term, we were able to do a lot of lists and sent out a lot of recruitment telegrams. Over the course of the term, we had 12 lists, 1715 rows were claimed and 11701 telegrams were delivered. I am really happy with the number of rows that we were able to get done and I would like to thank everyone that did their bit this term to help in this amazing effort.

On mentoring and Press Releases I was not as successful as I would like to be but the infrastructure is there and I want to thank everyone that helped me this term, especially the Press Office team that did an amazing job helping me write the press releases.

In conclusion it was generally a productive term. Thank you everyone for everything you have done for me this term and a special thank you to my deputies this term: Sanjurika, New Celoveniortan and Vivanco. All of you have done an amazing job and I am sure that if any of you were to take over from me next term, you will be able to do a great job.

Minister of Home Affairs
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