Skaraborg For Speaker - TNP needs more hamster!

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Election Commissioner
TNP Nation
Hi! You may know me as The Democratic Kingdom of Skaraborg or “that guy with the hamster gif on the rmb.” I have been on NS for just above a year and mostly hang out on the rmb. I am currently a Gameside Advocate which is a job/role I really recommend! I am satisfied with how the speaker role and structure is working right now. I think the speaker checks have been efficient and that Robespierre and the deputies have done a good job. I don’t have any complaints. However I believe that the speaker role is a quite unknown role outside of the forums. I say that as person who’s been on the rmb for too long and as far as I understand most people do not know what the speaker does or even who the speaker is. Especially right now there’s a lot of (weird) people trying to predict the election results and who will be delegate and vice-delegate however there’s no word about the role as speaker.

I believe that a speaker’s duty should also be to promote their role and the regional assembly, something I believe that has been done too little under my one year in TNP. I believe that it will be a way to attract more people (new and old) to get involved in the RA and increase the interest and knowledge of the speaker role.

There are various ways of promoting the speaker role. My ideas include a collaboration with Ministry of Radio or Home Affairs (telegram lists). A bigger idea is to have something like Security Council Week last year but promoting the speaker and deputy speakers instead. (However I think I am being too optimistic and that is going beyond what the role of speaker should be.)

Speaker checks should continue as they are and be done as quickly as possible. Instead of waiting for other checks first, I think it’s important that the applicant’s application is noticed and addressed as quickly as possible. I think it is vital to keep the applicant interested in getting involved in the region and by getting their application noticed early will help a lot in my opinion. If it goes too long I fear the applicant will lose interest.

I am a very active person who has played NS 24/7 for a year so activity will definitely not be a challenge for me. I have not served as a deputy speaker or speaker before however I do love a challenge and I believe I have the ability to do a great job as speaker. Some might say “Selfish?”, but I say “Hamster!”.
Feel free to ask questions!
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Why do we need more activity in the RA?

Why do we need to promote the Speakership ?
How familiar are you with the Speaker's Office, its members and its inner workings? Do you plan to train more deputies to help you? According to a court ruling of 2013 the Speaker has the power to unilaterally table proposals. How would you use that power?
Why do we need more activity in the RA?
First of all, by activity I don’t mean more amendments or votes but rather that when there are votes I want to see more people vote in the RA than there is right now. The more people and voting activity in the RA, the more democratic. And the more activity in the RA is more of a bonus for what my main idea to promote the role of speaker is. Which you asked for down below:

Why do we need to promote the Speakership ?
This is my main reason why I want to promote speakership. We’ve promoted executive staff, citizenship, join certain ministries etc. but never have I seen anyone promoting the speaker and deputy speaker roles. It took me longer (when I joined) than it should’ve for me to understand what the speaker in TNP actually does. By promoting and showing what the speaker and its deputies do I hope that we will get more new people involved in the region. I think deputy speaker is definitely something a motivated new player will be able to handle and I would like to take @East Isles as an example for how a quite new player can do really well as deputy speaker. Also I think that it’s vital that most residents of TNP know what the speaker does and know about the RA because they play an important role in TNP and it’s sad to see how little people, especially outside of the forums, know about them. Robespierre presented stats of the April Performance Review and they look quite positive however the proportion of people I want to reach out to would have only made up 20% of the stats and probably even less.
How familiar are you with the Speaker's Office, its members and its inner workings? Do you plan to train more deputies to help you?
I like honesty. I am not going to sit here and lie. To say I’m very familiar with the office would be a lie but I know how it works and since I’ve never worked as a deputy or really had a lot of connections with that office I’ve built myself an image of how it works but it feels like it is a very accurate image. I’ve been following speaker’s desk and I’ve studied/read the laws involving the speaker so I feel very prepared for this. If I felt like I did not know enough about the office I would never have ran. I took the chance now that I got it.

I do plan to try and get a mix of new and old deputies. My plan is to be speaker for two terms so if I would give you a long term plan I would say that it might be important for me to have a few people with experience but I am not worried about never working as a deputy speaker. The amount of deputies will also depend on how the interest rate is for becoming deputy speaker at the same time as I will try and ask people who I think have potential to become deputy.
According to a court ruling of 2013 the Speaker has the power to unilaterally table proposals. How would you use that power?
I would only use the power on proposals that would harm TNP a lot, like posing a threat to TNP’s democracy. However I believe that it is up to the citizens to vote for or against the proposals because TNP is a democratic region and whilst my job is to speak for the region it’s the citizens decision.
What role do you see Citizens Stats playing in your term?
I think they should be updated but I wouldn’t say they will be my top priority. That was a good question because I haven’t really thought about it until now.
New Francois is barred from holding citizenship. Should he want to regain his citizenship rights, what would be the proper procedure?
New Francois is barred from holding citizenship. Should he want to regain his citizenship rights, what would be the proper procedure?
He would have to contact the forum administration team to reduce his warning level. He is currently permanently banned from TNP which is 100% on the warning level. He may appeal to the moderation team after the warning level has been in place 6 months. I can’t see any reasons why the admin team would lift his permanent ban and therefore if New Francois would not listen to the admins and apply for citizenship anyways I am obliged by Legal Code 6.6 1 to reject their application because they would fail admin check. (I’d have to wait until the admin check is complete to reject their application)
If you were to coup TNP, how would you?
Sneak some hamsters in through the back door during a Regional Assembly voting, tear gas everyone, steal all of the delegate’s endorsements and voilà, you have a hamster in charge. I can’t give you a more detailed story just in case I feel like doing it...
Do you own a dog?
Would you trust a hamster to take care of your dog?
Are you planning to bring more animals whitin your cabinet?
I believe that the animals need a stronger voice in TNP, wether I will appoint animals as deputies or not depends on who is interested in becoming deputy. However my ideal TNP is a human free TNP. Or maybe not actually. Who will otherwise take care of us? Just like they need us, we need them.
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Regardless of the outcome, I'm glad to see you've put yourself out there and I hope you will continue to look to get involved in TNP's government. :D
What’s the difference between a hamster, a gerbil, and a guinea pig?
Hamsters are much more obstinate. We like it our way. You wake me up from my nap? I bite you. You feed me something I don’t like? I bite you. You make fun of me? I bite you. However we are also the friendliest and most intelligent. We love food and are the cuddliest. You just have to keep us in a good mood and we’ll give you love and affection. We are very energetic and busy all the time running in our wheel or eating a snack.

Gerbils are more socially interactive and can’t be alone which means that they never leave you alone and they demand a bigger cage with a partner. They are a bit more energetic than the hamsters which makes them a pain. I once was with my gerbil cousins when I was young and when I needed some rest they always shouted:
“Wanna play? Wanna play?”
but when I said no for the 51st time they lost their temper and walked away.

Guinea pigs are social like gerbils however they are much larger and live a little longer. They require a lot of space but are much calmer than us. However in many years the guinea pigs have bullied the hamsters and gerbils over their size and therefore I never speak to them. The guinea pigs are not as friendly and they are a lot more picky when it comes to food. They are vegetarians and require a certain diet. I prefer gerbils.
As Speaker, will you act to disallow or discourage branding in the name of bills?
As Speaker, will you act to disallow or discourage branding in the name of bills?
You agree to not use the Service to submit or link to any Content which is defamatory, abusive, hateful, threatening, spam or spam-like, likely to offend, contains adult or objectionable content, contains personal information of others, risks copyright infringement, encourages unlawful activity, or otherwise violates any laws. You are entirely responsible for the content of, and any harm resulting from, that Content or your conduct.
My stance on branding is very neutral. I would discourage all sorts of branding however I believe that as long as your branding doesn't violate the forum rule above or any other forum rule it shouldn't be disallowed and I think the forum rules are sufficient enough to prevent people from branding bad sites or companies etc.
I do not believe a bill that disallows branding is needed and therefore I wouldn't create one myself however if someone else was to submit a bill to disallow branding I would neither oppose or support it, therefore I stay neutral in that matter. Another reason why I'm quite neutral is the fact that I've never really seen any branding within the forums and hardly on the rmb amongst our citizens. If you see branding oftenly and feel like that issue needs to be addressed then you could propose a bill to the RA however my opinion is:
Discourage? Yes!
Disallow? Don't really think is necessary.
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