March 2021 Report

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TNP Nation


With the end of another month, it is time for a new update on what the ministry has been up to recently.

Administrative Tasks

This past month my deputies have worked well on ensuring that people are promptly accepted to the ministry whenever they apply and for that I thank them. I also just announced that Sanjurika will be joining the HA leadership as my third deputy

Key Projects Completed
We completed the following projects:

Projects Partially Completed:
We have now got the infrastructure in place for the new mentoring programme, so all we need to do now is confirm the mentors for this programme then it should be launched this week.

Projects for the next month:
We will be working on getting the template review done as well as properly getting the mentoring system up and running as well as restarting the press releases. Also, after looking at the number of lists completed, we are on track to be one of the most successful terms for the number of lists completed, so with a big push we can do this!

Minister of Home Affairs
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