Winter Kingdom
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- TNP Nation
- Boston Castle
- Discord
- seathestarlesssky
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.The Security Council,
Observing that Security Council commendation resolutions are authored in order to acknowledge and celebrate the achievements of nations that contribute to the development of their home regions and the greater international community;
Noting a unique and extensive list of contributions from Zamastan to the development of three separate regions (including the Coalition of Crown Albatross, International Democratic Union, and United Crown Alliance) exists, and includes the following;
Noting that Zamastan is the founder of Coalition of Crown Albatross (and formerly United Crown Alliance).
Noting that Zamastan has held multiple administrative positions in both Coalition of Crown Albatross and International Democratic Union, including Cultural Minister, Hospitality Minister, and Regional Cartographer.
Noting that Zamastan commits extensive time to aiding newcomers with their nations through constructive guidelines and participation opportunities.
Noting that Zamastan has moderated regional activities in such a manner that has allowed for freedom of discussion and opinion while also monitoring hate-speech and addressing those moments specifically as points of distinction as a leader.
Noting that on several occasions, Zamastan has surrendered the position of WA Delegate in order to allow others to share that key administrative and diplomatic position in a democratic sense.
Noting that Zamastan holds unique levels professionalism in conducting regional duties, while also maintaining friendly and cordial relationships with regular region residents.
Noting that Zamastan created an immersive regional community, noting multiple times in which they addressed and highlighted the diversity of regional demographics as a key strongpoint of unity.
Emphasizing that Zamastan has an extensive history of going above and beyond to encourage those who are experiencing hardship, in multiple circumstances. This is highlighted especially within the community in the Coalition of Crown Albatross past year.
Recognizing that Zamastan has long been worthy of recognition for their acts of kindness, hospitality, and humanity in addition to their strictly regional activities.
Believing that with an extensive list of accomplishments from the nation Zamastan both at home in the Coalition of Crown Albatross and abroad, they are deserving of recognition by the Security Council of the World Assembly;
Hereby Commends Zamastan.
Voting Instructions:
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
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