Executive Officer of Justice Act


TNP Nation
Executive Officer of Justice Act
Section 7.5 of the Legal Code of The North Pacific shall be amended to read as follows:
Section 7.5: Mandatory Ministries
28. There will be an Executive Officer charged with the North Pacific's foreign affairs. They will ensure the continued operation of any embassies of the North Pacific and will report on events in the region.
29. There will be an Executive Officer charged with military affairs. They will carry out such legal missions as are authorized by the Delegate, expressly or categorically.
30. There will be at least one Executive Officer charged with focusing primarily on matters of internal interest to The North Pacific.
31. There will be an Executive Officer charged with the application and enforcement of the laws of The North Pacific, and oversight of the prosecution of criminal cases.
The articles 31-37 of Section 3 of the legal code shall be renumbered in numeric order.

Section 7.5: Mandatory Ministries
28. There will be an Executive Officer charged with the North Pacific's foreign affairs. They will ensure the continued operation of any embassies of the North Pacific and will report on events in the region.
29. There will be an Executive Officer charged with military affairs. They will carry out such legal missions as are authorized by the Delegate, expressly or categorically.
30. There will be at least one Executive Officer charged with focusing primarily on matters of internal interest to The North Pacific.
31. There will be an Executive Officer charged with the application and enforcement of the laws of The North Pacific, and oversight of the prosecution of criminal cases.
Articles formerly Section 7. 31-37 become articles 32-38
In your view, what would the day-to-day activities of such a role look like?
I don't know - the legal code leaves a lot of flexibility for the executive government. I personally imagine that this person would serve as the go-to prosecutor if a criminal case arose, and could serve as a regional legal expert.
We recently abolished the Attorney General's office due to issues with activity and replaced it with a nominations process by the RA on a case by case basis, so I am unsure how convinced people would be to return to a similar model.
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I do want to appreciate the effort and time you went through to consider how to improve the region, Comfed, even if that suggestion turns out not to be put into law.
Thanks for the feedback, all! Even if that feedback is that it’s a bad idea :P
This would, I imagine, conflict with the Constitution.
If you want to repeal the AGORA Act at least do us the courtesy of saying that's what this is.