Council of Hawks
Commander-In-Chief Red Back
Colonel Miss Bad Life Choices, Overseer of Blade Corps
Major Aquilanion, Overseer of Talon Corps
Major Lady Dominator, Overseer of Talon Corps
Major Pterodaxtyl, Overseer of Terra Corps
Council Advisors
General Ever-Wandering Souls
General Jakker
General Reventus Koth
Colonel Raionitu
Council Statement
The Black Hawks appreciate and value the various regions and organizations that we have been able to work with over the years. 2020 was another year that showcased the success from such collaboration. RaiderVision was a wonderful display of talent enhanced by the partnership with The North Pacific. RaiderCon was a really fun time with great events and discussions because of the regional engagement from many. Militarily, this success was most evident in the raid of South Pacific when over 400 defending nations were ejected in a single operation. We are excited to continue to strengthen connections with allied organizations and regions in 2021. One of those regions is Balder. There have been some questions regarding our relationship with them and the Council wanted to reiterate the fact that TBH values and supports the region and its sovereignty. We genuinely appreciate the times we have been able to work together in the past. There was a productive conversation between leadership from both regions and we look forward to future endeavors where this commitment can continue to be strengthened.
Raids are always a great bonding experience. We had lots of fun with tags with plenty of spelling runs, delegate toppling, quorum/approval raiding, and fun collaborative tag sessions. We had strong tag activity over the summer with 522 tags in June and 282 in July. While we slowed down a bit with tags over the fall, the activity has really gotten going again in winter. 363 tags happened in December and already 470+ tags in January 2021. We also did plenty of impactful and successful occupations as welI. It was really awesome to be part of Operation: Boom Beach alongside many other regions. We had a minion revolution in The spaghetti land in December where we took out over 200 defenders. They must really like spaghetti since many defenders stayed in the region for a month afterwards. We led a couple of fascist burns with The Third Coalition and Der Trollpakt. Speaking of burns, we took out the most embassies ever (over 2,000!) in a raid with SECFanatics. Check out the cool video here. As we said earlier, RaiderCon was a great success and there was a great raid with The North Pacific on Liberty Nations Alliance. Sakana and Refuge did great work by organizing Operation: Let the Cards Fall which was the first "card raid" in June. The Black Hawks also found a way to make liberations LITERALLY impossible (not actually true) through update bending last August by bringing back an older technique involving the mass movement of nations. This technique pushed triggers off of a cliff and stopped liberation forces of 86 and 90 updaters. Voted the raid of the year, the raid of South Pacific was a great time and we were told that "TBH won the game." 400 defenders being ejected and several failed liberation attempts are good indicators that we indeed won the game. Or at least the year 2020 for sure as no occupation led by TBH was liberated.
Region Shoutouts
Hawkie Superlatives
Hawk most likely to cause a diplomatic incident for fun: Dakota
Hawk(s) most likely to end up delegate of a GCR (not already been delegate): Aquila and Sakana
Hawk most likely to get condemned? (not already condemned): Dakota
Hawk most likely To overthrow the Council: Steak
Hawk most likely to be banned from every GCR for IC reasons: Souls
Hawk most likely to get their main nation DEAT for flaming out on the forum: Peaches
Hawk most likely to update every update for a month: Bearbear
Hawk most likely to start their own raider group: Zizou
Hawk most likely to threaten Dak: Dax
Hawk(s) most likely to end up delegate of a GCR (not already been delegate): Aquila and Sakana
Hawk most likely to get condemned? (not already condemned): Dakota
Hawk most likely To overthrow the Council: Steak
Hawk most likely to be banned from every GCR for IC reasons: Souls
Hawk most likely to get their main nation DEAT for flaming out on the forum: Peaches
Hawk most likely to update every update for a month: Bearbear
Hawk most likely to start their own raider group: Zizou
Hawk most likely to threaten Dak: Dax