The Ministry of Defense
On the major update of 1/31/2021, the NPA joined in an operation led by Lily to embark on a massive fash bash! The key target was CCD, which we were successful in Delegate bumping!
The following regions took part:
The Grey Wardens
The North Pacific
The South Pacific
The West Pacific
The East Pacific
The Pacific
The Augustin Alliance
The following NPA soldiers participated:
[GEN] Nimarya
[GEN] QuietDad
[GEN] Gladio
[GEN] BluieGamer
[GEN] Bobberino
[COL] Rom
[SGT] Westinor
[PFC] East Isles
These were the regions the NPA helped to hit:
Confederation of Corrupt Dictators
Nazi Europa
Jesus Christ
The Holy Reich of Greater Germania
Commonwealth of Liberty
Fifth Empire
The New World Alliance
The Coalition of Fascist Nations
Federated Armed States of Rewrite
United Christian Empires of the West
The United World
Land of Orcs and Dorfs and Elfs
New Cland
The West Atlantic Union
Imperium Romanum Colonicum
The Independent Nations
The Commonwealth of Crowns
The United Nations of Military Power
Boris Cult Farms
The Freedom Federation
Patriot Alliance
The Sb
The Allied Nations
Rex Liberatum
Chicken Overlords Advertisement Space
european roleplay
Alliance Francophone
The Everlit Torch